Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF80 (Hilstrom) Assigned consumer debt default judgments regulated.
HF1160 (Hilstrom) Judiciary, Guardian Ad Litem Board, Tax Court, Board on Judicial Standards, Board of Public Defense, Uniform Laws Commission, and Sentencing Guidelines Commission funding provided, and money appropriated.
***HF1160 will be the Omnibus Judiciary Finance and Policy bill. The updated spreadsheet can be found on the Committee's Main Page under "Committee Spread Sheet."
Amendments are due by 2:15 p.m. on Monday, April 8.
If you wish to testify, please contact the committee administrator at
The committee will walk through the Omnibus Judiciary Finance and Policy Bill. No action will be taken.
HF1160 (Hilstrom) Judiciary, Guardian Ad Litem Board, Tax Court, Board on Judicial Standards, Board of Public Defense, Uniform Laws Commission, and Sentencing Guidelines Commission funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Hilstrom) - Bond reinstatement fee imposed.
(Bly) - Rice County; pilot program authorized to fund a mediation program through a surcharge on district court filing fees, funding provided, and money appropriated.
The chair has waved the 24-hour rule for this meeting. However, members must notify the committee administrator if they intend to file an amendment.
***NOTE:*** HF1051 and HF865 are pending re-referral from Civil Law and HF142 is pending re-referral from Public Safety. More bills may be added pending re-referrals.
If you wish to testify, please contact the committee administrator at
Bills Added:
(Simon) - Limitation period for civil actions involving sexual abuse changed.
(Liebling) - Sexually dangerous persons and persons with sexual psychopathic personalities commitment law distinguished and clarified from other civil commitments.
(Melin) - Juvenile court proceeding records governing provisions modified.
(Rosenthal) - Crime victim rights and programs statutory provisions clarified, and a restitution working group provided.
(Sundin) - Product stewardship programs provided.
(Kieffer) - Criminal sexual conduct offender penalties enhanced.
The chair has waved the 24-hour rule for this meeting. However, members must notify the committee administrator if they intend to file an amendment.
***NOTE:*** HF829 and HF975 are pending re-referral from Civil Law.
If you wish to testify, please contact the committee administrator at
Bills Added:
(Allen) - Indian child placement proceedings modified.
(Allen) - Landlord violation civil penalty imposed; tenant hold over provisions amended; time appeal and notice of hearing modified; and technical, clarifying, and conforming changes made.
(Morgan) - Omnibus human services continuing care policy bill.
(Isaacson) - Body art regulations modified, and criminal penalties provided.
(Liebling) - Underage possession or consumption of alcohol immunity provided for a person contacting 911 to seek assistance for another.
(Benson) - Human services fair hearing and internal audit provisions modified, Cultural and Ethnic Leadership Communities Council created, obsolete language removed, and technical changes made.
(Hilstrom) - Corrections; time period a person may be held in jail or state correctional facility limited.
(Hilstrom) - Simultaneous competency, mental illness or defect, and civil commitment examinations required for defendants; and civil commitment hearings for defendants facilitated.