Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
***Note:*** The chair has waved the 24-hour rule for this meeting. However, members must notify the committee administrator if they intend to file an amendment.
HF946 was removed from the agenda at the author's request.
Bills Added:
(Melin) - Uniform Interstate Family Support Act updated.
(Dehn) - Life insurance policy paid premium refund required, and judicial declaration of the validity of a policy authorized.
(Freiberg) - Judicial review of contested case service on all parties required.
(Newton) - Minnesota Code of Military Justice updated, and clarifying language provided.
(Cornish) - Prosecuting attorney or judge assault or death; enhanced penalties provided.
(Hansen) - Public official definition expanded in campaign finance and public disclosure law, and clarifying changes provided.
(Simon) - Emergency 911 call new crimes created, and criminal penalties provided.
Note: No additional testimony will be taken on HF863. The committee will only be taking action on the bill.
If you wish to testify, please contact the committee administrator at
Bills Added:
(Allen) - Safe harbor provisions expanded to include 16 and 17-year-olds involved in prostitution.
(Hilstrom) - School bus stop-signal arm violations provided to be placed on the uniform fine schedule.
(Hilstrom) - Graduated filing fee created to be based on the amount in controversy for conciliation court.
(Drazkowski) - Law library fees authorized for enhancements to state court technology.
(Hilstrom) - Court technology fee imposed on civil court filings, special revenue account created, funding provided, and money appropriated to the Supreme Court.
(Winkler) - Campaign finance and public disclosure law; various policy, technical, conforming, and other changes made; additional disclosure provided; regulations, reporting, spending and contribution limits, registration, definitions, and various procedures modified; and public official definition and penalties related to corporate political contributions modified.
Note: HF863 is pending re-referral. Tuesday's hearing will be informational only. The bill will be voted on in a subsequent meeting.
If you wish to testify, please contact the committee administrator at
Bills Added:
(Hilstrom) - Family Reunification Act of 2013 created.
(Mahoney) - Motor vehicles regulated, scrap metal processing regulation amended, proof of ownership or hold period required for vehicles purchased for scrap, and automated property system and criminal penalties created.
(Winkler) - Child testimony provided, and support person provided for child and adult witnesses.
(Winkler) - Campaign finance and public disclosure law; various policy, technical, conforming, and other changes made; additional disclosure provided; regulations, reporting, spending and contribution limits, registration, definitions, and various procedures modified; and public official definition and penalties related to corporate political contributions modified.
(Schoen) - Court services, detention, and corrections data access provided for domestic fatality review teams.
(Johnson) - Wildlife arson increased penalties created for damages to multiple buildings or dwellings, acreage, crops, or demonstrable bodily harm; and restitution provisions added.
If you wish to testify, please contact Charlotte Antin at
Bills Added:
(Hilstrom) - Crime victim's estate authorized to request or enforce an order for restitution.
(Hansen) - Public official definition expanded in campaign finance and public disclosure law, and clarifying changes provided.
(Cornish) - Homicide victim specified personal property protection inventory and emergency order authorized to preserve rights of decedent's heirs and beneficiaries; and notice of rights and procedures added to crime victims' chapter.
(Atkins) - Survival or continuation of an action provided after the death or disability of a party.