Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF 1121 (Youakim) Underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage for motorcycles required.
HF 572 (Schultz) Net earnings of nonprofit health maintenance organizations requirements established.
HF 1378 (Liebling) Health maintenance organizations required to be nonprofit corporations.
***Bill previously removed now placed back on agenda: HF 1576 (Cantrell) Health maintenance organizations that are corporations required to be organized as nonprofit corporations in order to operate in the state, and net earnings of nonprofit health maintenance organizations use requirements established.
(Please note that HF 1378 and HF 1576 are substantially similar, and it is likely that only one will be formally moved.)
***Bill Removed: HF 533 (Schultz) Nonprofit health care entity conversion transactions review and approval by attorney general required, all net earnings of a nonprofit health maintenance organization required to be used for nonprofit purposes, and moratorium on conversion transactions extended.
Bills Added:
(Youakim) - Underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage for motorcycles required.
(Schultz) - Health plan loss ration requirements established, and nonprofit health maintenance organizations net earnings use requirements established.
(Liebling) - Health maintenance organizations required to be nonprofit corporations.
(Cantrell) - Health maintenance organizations that are corporations required to be organized as nonprofit corporations in order to operate in Minnesota, and net earnings of nonprofit health maintenance organizations use requirements established.
HF 485 (Howard) Insulin assistance program established, insulin assistance account established in the special revenue fund, drug manufacturers required to pay an insulin product fee, emergency refills provided, and money appropriated.
HF 288 (Masin) Health plan companies prohibited from removing coverage of insulin or equipment and supplies during an enrollee's contract year.
HF 284 (Halverson) Insulin products sold in Minnesota cost review authorized by commissioner of health, excessive cost determined, maximum level of reimbursement established for insulin products if necessary, and money appropriated.
HF 963 (Halverson) Prescription contraceptives supply requirements established; health plans required to cover contraceptive methods, sterilization, patient education, counseling, and related medical services; and eligible organization accommodations established.
***BILL ADDED*** HF 359 (Becker-Finn) Flame-retardant chemical use in certain products prohibited.
If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator: Please note that public testimony will be limited to no more than THREE MINUTES per testifier.
If you have any handouts, please provide 100 copies to the Committee Legislative Assistant Aimee Vue (503 State Office Building) by 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 3/5/19.
Bills Added:
(Howard) - Pharmaceutical assistance program established, insulin assistance account in the special revenue fund established, fees and penalties established, and money appropriated.
(Halverson) - Insulin products sold in Minnesota cost review authorized by commissioner of health, excessive cost determined, maximum level of reimbursement established for insulin products if necessary, and money appropriated.
(Masin) - Health plan companies prohibited from removing coverage of insulin or equipment and supplies during an enrollee's contract year.
(Mann) - Diabetes prescription drugs cost reporting required.
(Halverson) - Prescription contraceptive supply requirements established; contraceptive methods, sterilization and related medical services, patient education, and counseling health plan coverage required; and eligible organization accommodations established.
(Becker-Finn) - Flame-retardant chemical use in certain products prohibited, and exemptions allowed.
Liquor - Liquor bills are expected to be laid over
HF 347 (Becker-Finn) Single entities ownership of a cocktail room and taproom license permitted. HF 453 (Anderson) Off-sale alcoholic beverages sales excluded in food handler license fee. HF 1031 (Hertaus) Temporary liquor license issuance restrictions city population requirement modified. HF 1033 (Mariani) St. Paul authorized to issue off-sale intoxicating liquor license to specific hotel. HF 1119 (Becker-Finn) Roseville municipal golf course liquor service allowed. HF 1462 (Jurgens) Sunday liquor sale hours modified. HF 1802 (Loeffler) Brewer off-sale license condition modified. HF 1815 (Murphy) Municipal liquor store accounting adjustment provided. HF 1826 (Elkins) Edina on-sale intoxicating liquor license issuance authorized. HF 1827 (Nash) Microdistillery requirements modified, on-sale license authorized, liquor and tasting-related services provision authorized, and money appropriated. HF 1909 (Lesch) Wine direct shippers regulated; sales and use taxes, liquor gross receipts taxes, and excise taxes on direct shipments of wine imposed; licensing and required reports provided; data classification provided; and bootlegging prohibited.
Testimony will be limited to 3 minutes.
Bills Added:
(Becker-Finn) - Single entities ownership of a cocktail room and taproom license permitted.
(Anderson) - Off-sale alcoholic beverages sales excluded in food handler license fee.
(Hertaus) - Temporary liquor license issuance restrictions city population requirement modified.
(Mariani) - St. Paul authorized to issue off-sale intoxicating liquor license.
(Becker-Finn) - Roseville; municipal golf course liquor service allowed.
(Jurgens) - Sunday liquor sale hours modified.
(Loeffler) - Brewer off-sale license condition modified.
(Dettmer) - Combined net receipts tax calculation modified.
(Lien) - Lawful gambling combined net receipts rates adjusted.
(Dettmer) - Gambling exemption for purchases of equipment provided.
(Halverson) - COVID-19; relief provided to organizations affected by executive order closing bars, restaurants, and other places of public accommodation; and waivers, extensions, and other temporary requirements and restrictions for lawful gambling provided.
(Elkins) - Edina; on-sale intoxicating liquor license issuance authorized.
(Lesch) - Wine direct shippers regulated; sales and use taxes, liquor gross receipts taxes, and excise taxes on direct shipments of wine imposed; licensing provided and reports required; data classification provided; and bootlegging prohibited.
(Nash) - Microdistillery requirements modified, on-sale license authorized, liquor and tasting-related services provision authorized, and money appropriated.
(Murphy) - Municipal liquor store accounting adjustment provided.
HF 486 (Schultz) Hearing aid coverage required for individuals older than 18 years of age.
HF 306 (Albright) Health plan coverage for treatment of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections and pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome, and reports required.
HF 440 (Morrison) Breast cancer screening procedures coverage required.
HF 772 (Mahoney) Public building accessibility requirements modified.
If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator: If you would like to provide handouts to the committee, please deliver 75 copies to Committee Legislative Assistant Aimee Vue by 12:00 noon
Bills Added:
(Albright) - Health plan coverage for treatment of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections and pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome, and reports required.
(Morrison) - Breast cancer screening procedures coverage required.
(Poston) - Ectodermal dysplasias treatment coverage required.
(Schultz) - Hearing aid coverage required for individuals older than 18 years of age.
(Mahoney) - Public building accessibility requirements modified.
HF 728 (Mann) Pharmacy benefit managers licensure and regulations created, and rulemaking authorized.
HF 149 (Bahner) Health plan company prohibited from contractually preventing a pharmacist from informing a patient of a price differential.
HF 743 (Bahner) Prescription drug co-payments limited.
HF 688 (Bahner) Pharmacists allowed to provide drug refills without prescriptions, insurance coverage required, and rulemaking authorized.
HF 687 (Bahner) Prescription drug refills synchornization provided.
HF 723 (Elkins) Pharmacist penalties for sharing certain information prohibited, and synchronization of prescription drug refill requirements established. (pending re-referral)
HF 1246 (Morrison) Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act established, and report required. (pending re-referral)
HF 1257 (Cantrell) Prescription drug benefit transparency and disclosure required.
HF 1523 (Cantrell) Commissioner of human services directed to establish prescription drug purchasing program, and program authority and eligibility requirements specified.
If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator: If you would like to provide handouts to the committee, please deliver 75 copies to Committee Legislative Assistant Aimee Vue by 12:00 noon
Bills Added:
(Mann) - Pharmacy benefit managers licensure and regulations created, and rulemaking authorized.
(Bahner) - Health plan company prohibited from contractually preventing a pharmacist from informing a patient of a price differential.
(Bahner) - Prescription medication payment modified.
(Bahner) - Pharmacists allowed to provide drug refills without prescriptions, and insurance coverage required.
(Bahner) - Prescription drug coverage and refill sections modified.
(Morrison) - Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act established, drug manufacturers required to submit drug price information to the commissioner of health, civil penalties provided, and report required.
(Cantrell) - Prescription drug benefit transparency and disclosure required.
(Cantrell) - Commissioner of human services directed to establish prescription drug purchasing program, and program authority and eligibility requirements specified.
(Stephenson) - Pharmacy licensure requirements modified.
HF 1501 (Davnie) Consumer short-term and small loans interest rates regulated. HF 331 (Edelson) Tobacco; charter schools added to prohibition of tobacco in schools, tobacco sale age increased, administrative penalties increased, and alternative penalties allowed. HF 349 (Halverson) Electronic cigarettes included in definition of smoking for purposes of the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, and technical and clarifying changes made.
If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator:
Bills Added:
(Davnie) - Consumer short-term and small loan interest rates regulated.
(Edelson) - Tobacco; charter schools added to prohibition of tobacco in schools, tobacco sale age increased, administrative penalties increased, municipal license of tobacco provision added, and alternative penalties allowed.
(Halverson) - Electronic cigarettes included in definition of smoking for purposes of the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, and technical and clarifying changes made.