Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF 4 (Lesch) Drug manufacturer or wholesale distributor prohibited from charging unconscionable prices for prescription drugs; Board of Pharmacy, commissioner of human services, and health plan companies required to notify the attorney general of certain prescription drug price increases; attorney general authorized to take action against drug manufacturers and wholesalers related to price increases; and civil penalties imposed.
If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator:
Bills Added:
(Lesch) - Drug manufacturer or wholesale distributor prohibited from charging unconscionable prices for prescription drugs; Board of Pharmacy, commissioner of human services, and health plan companies required to notify the attorney general of certain prescription drug price increases; attorney general authorized to take action against drug manufacturers and wholesalers related to price increases; civil penalties imposed; and money appropriated.
HF 5 (Halverson) Paid family, pregnancy, bonding and applicant's serious medical condition benefits provided; employment leaves regulated and required; data classified; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated.
If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator:
Please note that this hearing may continue into the evening.
COMMITTEE HAS RECESSED AND WILL RECONVENE AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIR, APPROXIMATELY 6:45 PM Any changes to this plan will be posted to the committee website and emailed to the list-serve as soon as possible.
Please note committee is now reconvening at 6:45 pm, not 6:30 pm.
Bills Added:
(Halverson) - Paid family, pregnancy, bonding, and applicant's serious medical condition benefits provided; employment leaves regulated and required; data classified; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated.
HF136 (Stephenson) - Internet service providers servicing Minnesota customers and those under contract to the state or political subdivisions certain activities prohibited.
Bill Removed: HF639 (Sandstede) - Caller ID blocking or altering in commercial telephone solicitation prohibited.
If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator:
Bills Added:
(Stephenson) - Internet service providers; certain activities prohibited by those serving Minnesota customers and those under contract to the state or political subdivisions, and monetary fines authorized.
(Olson) - Opiate product registration fee and the Opiate Epidemic Response Advisory Council established, licensure and registration fees modified, prescription drug and controlled substance sections modified, reports required, and money appropriated.