Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
I. HF 2169 (Marquart) Department of Revenue Policy & Technical bill II. HF 2125 (Marquart) Omnibus tax bill Amendments and final vote on delete everything amendment
Bills Added:
(Marquart) - Individual income and corporate franchise taxes, sales and use taxes, special taxes, property taxes, gross revenues taxes, fire and police state aid, and other miscellaneous taxes and tax provision policy and technical changes made.
(Marquart) - Omnibus tax bill.
II. HF 2400 pending referral (Davnie) Omnibus E-12 Finance bill III. HF 2208 pending referral (Mahoney) Omnibus Jobs and Economic Development bill
ROOM CHANGE: The committee will now be meeting in room 5 rather than the basement hearing room.
Bills Added:
(Davnie) - Omnibus education finance bill.
(Mahoney) - Omnibus jobs and economic development, energy and climate, and telecommunications policy and finance bill.
I. HF 578 (Lien) K-12 education expense credit modified II. HF 844 (Lislegard) Credit against occupation tax provided III. HF 2763 (Hansen) Solid waste management tax rates increased and part of tax increase collected appropriated to soil and water conservation grants. IV. HF 2809 (Youakim) Providing for additional financing of metropolitan area transit and paratransit capital expenditures; authorizing the issuance of certain obligations V. HF 1851 (Davids) Licensed petroleum distributor requirements to furnish bonds for payment removed, and delinquent tax debt personal liability expanded
Bills Added:
(Lien) - K-12 education expense credit modified.
(Lislegard) - Credit against occupation tax provided.
(Hansen) - Solid waste management tax rates increased and part of tax increase collected appropriated to soil and water conservation grants.
(Davids) - Licensed petroleum distributor requirements to furnish bonds for payment removed, and delinquent tax debt personal liability expanded.
(Youakim) - Metropolitan area transit and paratransit capital expenditure additional financing provided, and obligation issuance authorized.