Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
I. HF 1563 (Richardson) Mendota Heights; fire station construction exemption provided II. HF 1813 (Richardson) Dakota County; law enforcement facility construction exemption provided III. HF 2472 (Youakim) St. Louis Park; interpretive center construction exemption provided IV. HF 1442 (Swedzinski) Independent School District No. 414, Minneota; construction exemption provided V. HF 1862 (Lien) Financial capability services integrated with taxpayer assistance services grant program created and funding provided, reports required, taxpayer assistance grant program existing appropriation increased, and money appropriated VI. HF 2104 (Haley) Nuclear decommissioning reserve fund categorized as exempt entity
Bills Added:
(Richardson) - Mendota Heights; fire station construction exemption provided.
(Richardson) - Dakota County; law enforcement facility construction exemption provided.
(Youakim) - St. Louis Park; interpretive center construction exemption provided.
(Lien) - Financial capability services integrated with taxpayer assistance services grant program created and funding provided, reports required, taxpayer assistance grant program existing appropriation increased, and money appropriated.
(Haley) - Nuclear decommissioning reserve fund categorized as exempt entity.
(Swedzinski) - Independent School District No. 414, Minneota; construction exemption provided.
I. HF 1849 (Hornstein) Domestic corporation definition expanded to include foreign corporations incorporated in or doing business in tax havens II. HF 2429 (Loeffler) Tax effect of transactions without economic substance disallowed, and penalty imposed III. HF 2530 (Schultz) Dividends received deduction for debt financed stock reduced
Bills Added:
(Hornstein) - Domestic corporation definition expanded to include foreign corporations incorporated in or doing business in tax havens.
(Loeffler) - Tax effect of transactions without economic substance disallowed, and penalty imposed.
(Schultz) - Dividends received deduction for debt financed stock reduced.
I. HF 2169 (Marquart) Individual income and corporate franchise taxes, partnership taxes, sales and use taxes, special taxes, property taxes, gross revenue taxes, fire and police state aid, and other miscellaneous provisions policy and technical changes made
Bills Added:
(Marquart) - Individual income and corporate franchise taxes, sales and use taxes, special taxes, property taxes, gross revenues taxes, fire and police state aid, and other miscellaneous taxes and tax provision policy and technical changes made.
If you would like to testify please contact the committee administrator, Nathan Jesson, at Please note that HF 2125 does not include changes to the gas tax and health care related tax items.