Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
I. HF 1842 (Wagnius) Solar energy incentive program modified, various renewable energy and electric vehicle grant programs established, reports required, and money appropriated. II. HF4579 (Liebling) COVID-19; serological test development advancement grant program established, funding provided, and money appropriated. III. HF 4374 (Pinto) Provider definition amended, and child care assistance provider reimbursement rates modified.
Other bills may be added
BILL REMOVED: HF 4554 (Hansen) - Environment & Natural Resources Supplemental Finance & Policy bill BILL REMOVED: HF 4542 (Davnie) Education omnibus policy bill including COVID-19 formula adjustments.
If you have questions about the technology associated with/accessibility of remote hearings, please contact Blake Wilcox by emailing him at or by leaving a message at 651-296-8803. Please do not contact him on matters directly related to the agenda.
The MN House of Representatives is currently working on establishing the processes and technology that allow remote meetings to be held that are accessible to the public. We expect many refinements to come over the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience as we adapt.
Bills Added:
(Wagenius) - Solar energy incentive program modified, various renewable energy and other energy-related programs established, utility filing governed, reports required, and money appropriated.
(Liebling) - COVID-19; contact tracing, case investigation, and follow-up services for persons with COVID-19 established; reports required; and money appropriated.
(Pinto) - Provider definition amended, and child care assistance provider reimbursement rates modified.
I. BILL ADDED: HF4645 (Carlson, L.) Extending the COVID-19 Minnesota fund II. HF 4285 (Poppe) Ag Policy bill III. HF 4490 (Poppe) Supplemental Ag Finance bill (pending referral) IV. BILL ADDED: HF 2129 (Murphy) Rural Finance Authority funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. V. BILL ADDED: HF 3194 (Fabian) Roseau County; Trunk Highway 310 segment designated as Deputy Richard K. Magnuson Memorial Highway. V1. BILL ADDED: HF 3195 (Fabian) Roseau County; Trunk Highway 11 segment designated as Patrol Inspector Robert H. Lobdell Memorial Highway.
If you have questions about the technology associated with/accessibility of remote hearings, please contact Blake Wilcox by emailing him at or by leaving a message at 651-296-8803. Please do not contact him on matters directly related to the agenda.
The MN House of Representatives is currently working on establishing the processes and technology that allow remote meetings to be held that are accessible to the public. We expect many refinements to come over the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience as we adapt
Bills Added:
(Poppe) - Agriculture; various provisions modified relating to perishable farm products, seed law, noxious weed law, hemp, farming, loans, plant shipment, pet food, food, eggs, grain, and others; data classified; rulemaking authority modified; veterinarian immunity provided; reports required; and recommendations required.
(Poppe) - Agriculture supplemental appropriations bill.
(Fabian) - Roseau County; Trunk Highway 310 segment designated as Deputy Richard K. Magnuson Memorial Highway.
(Fabian) - Roseau County; Trunk Highway 11 segment designated as Patrol Inspector Robert H. Lobdell Memorial Highway.
(Murphy) - Rural Finance Authority funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
(Carlson) - COVID-19 Minnesota fund extended.
I. SF4073/HF 3376 (Wazlawik) Trichloroethylene use prohibited. III. HF 4601 (Koegel) Human services commissioner required to award opiate epidemic response account grants. IV. HF 3341 (Huot) Appraisal management company licensure modified. VI. *HF3737 (Pryor) Child care provider licensing and training provisions VII. Presentation on Unallotment – Colbey Sullivan, House Research
Other bills may be added
NOTE: *HF3737 is strictly a procedural motion to move the bill out of committee back to the General Register.
If you have questions about the technology associated with/accessibility of remote hearings, please contact Blake Wilcox by emailing him at or by leaving a message at 651-296-8803. Please do not contact him on matters directly related to the agenda.
The MN House of Representatives is currently working on establishing the processes and technology that allow remote meetings to be held that are accessible to the public. We expect many refinements to come over the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience as we adapt.
Bills Added:
(Wazlawik) - Trichloroethylene use prohibited.
(Koegel) - Human services commissioner required to award opiate epidemic response account grants.
(Huot) - Appraisal management company licensure modified.
(Pryor) - Child care provider licensing and training provisions amended.
Presentation by MMB on COVID related updates - Commissioner Myron Frans - Dr. Laura Kalambokidis, State Economist - Britta Reitan, State Budget Director - Joe Kelly, Director, Homeland Security & Emergency Management
Presentation on unallotment - Colbey Sullivan, House Research
If you have questions about the technology associated with/accessibility of remote hearings, please contact Blake Wilcox by emailing him at or by leaving a message at 651-296-8803. Please do not contact him on matters directly related to the agenda.
The MN House of Representatives is currently working on establishing the processes and technology that allow remote meetings to be held that are accessible to the public. We expect many refinements to come over the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience as we adapt
If you have questions about the technology associated with/accessibility of remote hearings, please contact Blake Wilcox by emailing him at or by leaving a message at 651-296-8803. Please do not contact him on matters directly related to the agenda.
The MN House of Representatives is currently working on establishing the processes and technology that allow remote meetings to be held that are accessible to the public. We expect many refinements to come over the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience as we adapt
Bills Added:
(Halverson) - Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) onetime supplemental payment funding provided, and money appropriated.