Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
The committee will meet from 8:00-8:55. If the agenda is not completed in the morning, the committee will recess and return after the House session adjourns.
HF 653 (Lillie) Legacy Finance bill HF2032 (Hansen) LCCMR bill
Bills Added:
(Lillie) - Omnibus legacy finance bill.
(Hansen) - Environment and natural resources trust funds appropriated, and previous appropriations modified.
The committee will meet 15 minutes after session adjourns.
The room is reserved until 6:00 pm if necessary to complete the agenda.
** ITEM ADDED: Amendment to Budget Resolution HF 2086 (Ecklund) Omnibus Veterans and Military Affairs Finance bill HF 1935 (Nelson) Omnibus State Government Finance bill HF 2125 (Marquart) Omnibus Tax bill HF 1581 (Poppe) Farmer mental health counseling funding provided, past appropriation canceled, and money appropriated. HF 1487 (Dehn) Elections administration, voting, voter registration, polling places, ballots, recounts, contests, candidates, and related provisions technical and policy changes made.
Other bills may be added
Bills Added:
(Marquart) - Omnibus tax bill.
(Nelson) - Omnibus state government finance bill.
(Ecklund) - Military and veteran affairs budget established.
(Poppe) - Farmer mental health and farm advocate services and farmer-lender mediators money appropriated, and an appropriation canceled.
(Dehn) - Elections administration, voting, voter registration, polling places, ballots, recounts, contests, candidates, and related provisions technical and policy changes made.
The room is reserved for the day in order to complete the agenda.
HF 2544 (Bernardy) Omnibus Higher Education Finance bill HF 2792 (Mariani) Omnibus Public Safety Finance bill HF 2705 (Lesch) Omnibus Judiciary Finance bill HF 2611 (Pelowski) Disaster Assistance Contingency Account bill HF 1543 (Dehn) Background study set aside criteria modified
Other bills may be added.
Bills Added:
(Mariani) - Omnibus public safety bill.
(Lesch) - Omnibus judiciary finance and civil law bill.
(Dehn) - Background study set aside criteria modified.
(Pelowski) - Disaster assistance contingency account funds transferred.
(Bernardy) - Omnibus higher education finance and policy bill.