Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
**There is a floor session tomorrow morning. If the floor session does not end before our regular committee time of 9:45 am, our committee will commence 10 minutes after floor session ends**
HF 2705 (Lesch) Judiciary Finance & Civil Law Finance omnibus bill. Please see A19-0359 amendment posted on April 3rd.
SF1257 (companion to HF 925 (Davids)): Epinephrine auto-injectors use by individuals who complete a training program authorized.
**markup/amendments and voting on the bill will take place during committee on April 9, 2019. If we do not finish during regular committee time, we will recess and re-convene at 5 pm, in Hearing Room 400S.
**as per Committee rules, all amendments are due by 10 am, Monday. April 8, 2019. This deadline may be waived in the Chair's discretion.
**Rachel Ganani has resumed Committee Administrator duties and can be reached at:**
Bills Added:
(Lesch) - Omnibus judiciary finance and civil law bill.
(Davids) - Epinephrine auto-injector use authorized for individuals who complete a training program.
HF 2705 (Lesch) Judiciary Finance & Civil Law Finance omnibus bill. Please see A19-0359 amendment which deletes the current language of HF 2705 and replaces it with the omnibus language. (walk through of the omnibus and public testimony only, no official action taken until Tuesday, April 9, 2019)
***Testifiers will be asked to keep testimony to 2 minutes or less**
**If you are interested in testifying on the bill, please contact**
**markup/amendments and voting on the bill will take place on April 9, 2019. As per Committee rules, all amendments are due by 10 am, Monday. April 8, 2019. This deadline may be waived in the Chair's discretion.**
**During the week of March 30- April 6 please email Committee Administrator Laura Taken-Holtze for committee related questions. Rachel Ganani will resume Committee Administrator duties thereafter, and she can reached at:**
Bills Added:
(Lesch) - Omnibus judiciary finance and civil law bill.
HF 2051 (Elkins) Insurance; model regulation conformity changes made... **We are hearing the bill for limited purposes. The scope of our jurisdiction involves the data practices provisions in Article 4**
HF 1146 (Dehn): Mileage-based user fee pilot program provided;... **We are hearing the bill for limited purposes. The scope of our jurisdiction involves the data practices provisions: lines: 2.10-2.28**
HF 285 (Koznick) Department of Human Services and Met Council data sharing ... **We are hearing the bill for limited purposes. The scope of our jurisdiction involves the data practices provisions: lines: 1.16-2.2**
HF 1502 (Fischer) Salt applicator certification program established, and liability limited. **We are hearing the bill for limited purposes. The scope of our jurisdiction involves the liability provisions.**
***BILL REMOVED*** HF 2538 (Mahoney) Revised unclaimed property act; ... **We were going to hear the bill for limited purposes. The scope of our jurisdiction involves the data practices and court process: lines 31.1-31.10; Article 9 and Article 10**
**If you wish to testify on the above bills, please contact Laura Taken-Holtze at Testifiers will be asked to limit testimony to 2 minutes each**
**bills may be added or removed and may be taken in any order**
Bills Added:
(O'Neill) - Treatment courts funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Elkins) - Insurance; model regulation conformity changes made, and federally conforming changes made to supplemental Medicare coverage.
(Dehn) - Mileage-based user fee pilot program provided, report required, and money appropriated.
(Koznick) - Department of Human Services and Metropolitan Council data sharing for transportation purposes authorized.
(Fischer) - Salt applicator certification program established, and liability limited.
HF 2709 (Mariani): Relating to public safety; appropriating money for peace officer training reimbursement
HF 557 (Mann): Physician-patient relationship protected by prohibiting non-compete agreements
HF 2681 (Long) Energy usage data maintained by utilities access rights provided
HF 2206 (Albright): Health licensing technical changes made, and duty to warn and mental health professionals reciprocity expanded
HF 2367 (Dehn): Certifying entities to timely process visa certification documents
HF 1603 (Dehn) Election and campaign finance; various policy and technical changes made, automatic voter registration provided... ***this is the elections omnibus bill, we are hearing the bill for limited purposes. The scope of our jurisdiction involves the data practices provisions: lines 2.6-2.9; 8.6-8.7; 42.31-43.4 and 76.28-76.29 and the penalty provisions: lines 56.20-57.16; 67.17-68.2***
HF 1784 (Cantrell): University of Minnesota required to conduct early neutral evaluation participant survey and study, report required ...
HF 2000 (Lee) Contract and certificate of compliance requirements changed
HF 2001 (Cantrell): Workforce certificates of compliance ensured to apply equally to in-state and out-of-state contractors
HF 1909 (Lesch) Wine direct shippers regulated; sales and use taxes, liquor gross receipts taxes and excise taxes on direct shipments of wine... **We are hearing the bill for limited purposes. The scope of our jurisdiction involves the data practices provisions: lines: 6.11-6.17**
HF 2743 (Lesch): relating to courts; increasing certain court-related fees; establishing a cyber security fee...
**bills may be added or removed**
**Please note: this hearing is scheduled to run from 9:45 am -12:30 pm. If the agenda is not completed by 12:30 pm, the committee will recess and reconvene at 5 pm, or 15 minutes after the floor session ends (if session doesn't end by 5 pm) in hearing room 500N**
*If you'd like to testify, please contact Rachel Ganani, Committee Administrator, at:; testifiers will be asked to keep testimony to 2 minutes or less*
Bills Added:
(Cantrell) - University of Minnesota required to conduct early neutral evaluation participant survey and study, report required, and money appropriated.
(Long) - Energy usage data maintained by utilities access rights provided.
(Mann) - Physician-patient relationship protected by prohibiting noncompete agreements.
(Albright) - Health licensing technical changes made, and mental health professionals and social workers duty to warn and reciprocity expanded.
(Dehn) - Election and campaign finance; automatic voter registration and early voting provided, voting rights of persons with felony convictions restored, automatic absentee ballot delivery and ranked-choice voting authorized, National Popular Vote Interstate Compact adopted, campaign finance reporting requirements modified, expressly advocating definition modified, reporting of electioneering communications required, redistricting commission established, and money appropriated.
(Dehn) - Certifying entities required to timely process visa certification documents.
(Cantrell) - Workforce certificates of compliance ensured to apply equally to in-state and out-of-state contractors.
(Long) - Energy usage data maintained by utilities access rights provided.
(Lesch) - Wine direct shippers regulated; sales and use taxes, liquor gross receipts taxes, and excise taxes on direct shipments of wine imposed; licensing provided and reports required; data classification provided; and bootlegging prohibited.
(Lee) - Contract and certificate of compliance requirements changed.
(Mariani) - Peace officer training reimbursement funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF 1520 (Sandstede) 911 dispatchers required to be trained to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation instruction, monitoring and enforcement provided...
HF 2362 (Moller): Board of the Arts grant submitted application data classified
HF 2065 (Davids): Service of garnishment 70-day period extended from date of service to 90 days for earnings...
HF 2018 (Tabke): Pari-mutuel Racing Commission licensing, reporting, and other regulatory provisions modified
*If you would like to testify, please contact Committee Administrator, Rachel Ganani:
Bills Added:
(Moller) - Board of the Arts grant submitted application data classified.
(Sandstede) - 911 dispatchers required to be trained to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation instruction, monitoring and enforcement provided, civil immunity established, and money appropriated.
(Davids) - Service of garnishment 70-day period extended from date of service to 90 days for earnings, and amount of earnings subject to garnishment modified.
(Tabke) - Pari-mutuel Racing Commission licensing, reporting, and other regulatory provisions modified.