Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
III. HF 5 (Halverson) Paid Family Medical Leave • Author Chair Halverson
**please note, HF 5 has been heard in 3 other committees (labor, commerce and gov ops) and our hearing will be limited in scope to the jurisdiction of our committee: data practices and appeal process**
HF 1503 (Becker-Finn) tribal access to vital record data
HF 1138 (Fischer) Digital fair repair *This bill has had a full hearing in Commerce and is referred to Judiciary for the limited purpose of reviewing the immunity provisions and AG cause of action. Therefore, testimony and debate will be limited to the relevant topics.*
HF 1511 (Hassan): Eviction case court files discretionary and mandatory expungements eligibility expanded...
HF 2004 (Lesch) Unredacted information provided to parties in closed cases under circumstances
HF 2062 (Dehn) Data collected under the workforce certificate of compliance classified
**bills may be added**
**members of the public who wish to testify, should contact the Committee Administrator, Rachel Ganani: testimony will be limited to two minutes per person**
**If we do not complete our agenda during committee time, we will recess and re-convene at 5 pm in hearing room 10**
Bills Added:
(Halverson) - Paid family, pregnancy, bonding, and applicant's serious medical condition benefits provided; employment leaves regulated and required; data classified; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated.
(Noor) - Residential lease requirements amended.
(Hassan) - Eviction case court files discretionary and mandatory expungements eligibility expanded, and pending eviction case court actions public access limited.
(Lesch) - Unredacted information in closed case files provided to charging parties under certain circumstances.
(Dehn) - Data collected under the workforce certificate of compliance classified.
**If you'd like to testify on a bill, please contact the Committee Administrator, Rachel Ganani: We ask members of the public to keep their testimony to two minutes or less**
Bills Added:
(Lesch) - Criminal forfeiture provided, federal Equitable Sharing Program participation limited, and administrative forfeiture eliminated.
(Ecklund) - Sentencing veterans for criminal offenses related to a service-related disorder court guidance provided.
(Daudt) - Veterinary prescription monitoring program established, controlled substance veterinary prescriptions prohibited in certain circumstances, registration and data submission required, liability immunity provided, and money appropriated.
(Considine) - Jails authorized to share certain inmate mental illness information with local county social services agency, retention of criminal gang investigative data extended, ombudsman for corrections reestablished, ombudsman powers and duties established, administrative and disciplinary segregation in state correctional institutions guidelines established, report required, and money appropriated.
HF 331 (Edelson) Tobacco; charter schools added to prohibition of tobacco in schools, tobacco sale age increased, administrative penalties increased
HF 998 (Ecklund) Sentencing veterans for criminal offenses related to a service-related disorder court guidance provided
HF 1404 (Lesch) establishing a Legislative Commission on Intelligence and Technology
HF 1567 (Lesch) modifying location tracking to include GPS service or cell-site location information service
HF 203 (O'Neill) Data sharing permitted to administer the disabled veteran's homestead market value exclusion
**If we are not able to complete our agenda, we will reconvene at 5 pm, or 15 minutes after floor session ends, if floor session ends after 5 pm, in Hearing Room 10**
If you'd like to testify, please contact Rachel Ganani,
Bills Added:
(Ecklund) - Sentencing veterans for criminal offenses related to a service-related disorder court guidance provided.
(Lesch) - Legislative Commission on Intelligence and Technology established.
(Lesch) - Location tracking modified to include global positioning service or cell-site location information service.
(Lesch) - Earned sick and safe time provided, rulemaking authorized, civil penalties imposed, reports required, and money appropriated.
(Edelson) - Tobacco; charter schools added to prohibition of tobacco in schools, tobacco sale age increased, administrative penalties increased, municipal license of tobacco provision added, and alternative penalties allowed.
(O'Neill) - Data sharing permitted to administer the disabled veteran's homestead market value exclusion.
HF 50 (Hornstein) Cell phone use while a motor vehicle is in motion prohibited, with hands-free mode exception
HF 1115 (Lesch) cooperative private divorce program
**Reconvene at 7 pm in Hearing Room 10**
HF 8 (Pinto) Firearm transfer criminal background checks required
HF 9 (Richardson) Firearms; law enforcement and family members enabled to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others by possessing a firearm.
ATTENDING THE HEARING: **Due to high interest in HF 8 & HF 9, this event will be ticketed, and seating will be limited in the hearing room. If you are interested in receiving a ticket, please email the Committee Administrator:
** UPDATE ON ATTENDING THE HEARING, 3/5/19: all tickets to attend the hearing have been distributed, but overflow rooms will be available with TVs set up for the public who attends the hearing**
TESTIFYING AT THE HEARING, OR SUBMITTING WRITTEN TESTIMONY OR DOCUMENTS: **If you are interested in testifying at the hearing please email Committee Administrator at: by 5 pm on Monday March 4th, to be considered. Please indicate your name and contact information, if you support or oppose the legislation, and if you represent, or are a part of an advocacy group. Depending on interest, a random selection of interested testifiers will be chosen to testify, with equal time allotted to those in support and those against the bills. The chosen testifiers will be notified by Tuesday, 5 pm that they will have the opportunity to testify and how much time they will have to testify. If you would like to submit written testimony or other documents, please email the Committee Administrator: by Tuesday at 7 pm**
**Please note, since this is the second committee stop for both bills, the hearing will be limited to the areas of the bill that fall within the Committee's jurisdiction (data practices and court process)**
Bills Added:
(Lesch) - Cooperative private divorce program established, conforming changes made, and money appropriated.
(Hornstein) - Cell phone use prohibited by person operating a vehicle while vehicle is in motion or a part of traffic, and voice-activated hands-free mode exception provided.
(Pinto) - Firearm transfer criminal background checks required, and transferee permit disqualification grounds modified.
(Richardson) - Firearms; law enforcement and family members enabled to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others by possessing a firearm, and money appropriated.
HF 554 (Moran) Legal parent permitted to petition for reestablishment of the legal parent and child relationship
HF 1521 (Scott) requiring the court to provide certain notices; modifying requirements for parent education program
HF 1666 (Scott) Child care authorizations for parenting time clarified, child care reimbursement for parenting time clarified, child care report requirements clarified, parenting time presumptions modified, and parenting time schedule findings required
**If the agenda is not completed during regular committee time, we will re-convene at 5 PM in the Basement hearing room**
**If you would like to testify, please contact Rachel Ganani:
Bills Added:
(Mahoney) - Wage theft prohibited, wage payment modified, civil and criminal penalties increased, administrative review allowed, and money appropriated.
(Scott) - Court required to provide notices on parent education programs, and requirements for parent education programs modified.
(Scott) - Child care authorizations for parenting time clarified, child care reimbursement for parenting time clarified, child care report requirements clarified, parenting time presumptions modified, and parenting time schedule findings required.
(Moran) - Parent permitted to petition for reestablishment of the legal parent and child relationship.