Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
H. F. 4265, (Olson) Opioid settlement proceed deposit and allocation provided, two accounts established in the opiate epidemic response fund, separate opioid account in the state treasury eliminated, time frame modified for eliminating the opioid manufacturer registration fee and reducing license fees, and municipal claims barred against litigants in settled opioid cases.
HF3972 (Richardson) Nondiscrimination and equity required in access to organ transplants, and penalties prescribed. (Pending re-referral)
HF3958 (Morrison) Seizure detection device medical assistance coverage required.
HF4157 (Pryor) Medical assistance and MinnesotaCare enrollee disenrollment procedures specified, and 12-month continuous medical assistance eligibility provided.
HF3360 (Morrison) Commissioner of health required to study issues of statewide register development for provider orders for life-sustaining treatment, and report required.
HF4062 (Reyer) Hospice respite and end-of-life care medical assistance benefit for individual under age of 22 established.
HF3924 (Lippert) Board of Pharmacy required to provide central repository under contract to administer medication repository program with any legislative funding, and over-the-counter medication donation conforming changes made.
HF3595 (Edelson) Cannabinoid product regulation provided, sale of cannabinoid containing products limited to individuals 21 years of age or older, cannabinoid product labeling required to contain a barcode or matrix barcode, and cannabinoid containing products that meet regulation requirements established as not controlled substances.
Amendment and testifier/material deadline will be 10:30 AM on Thursday, March 17th. Items may be added or deleted.
Public Viewing Information:
This remote hearing will be live-streamed via the House webcast schedule page: All events are closed-captioned. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.
To provide feedback on digital accessibility of meeting information, please submit comments through the Minnesota Legislature Accessibility & Usability Comment Form. If you require an accommodation, please contact John Howe at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-3208. Please contact Health Committee Administrator, with questions on the meeting agenda. To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access.
Bills Added:
(Morrison) - Commissioner of health required to study issues of statewide register development for provider orders for life-sustaining treatment, and report required.
(Edelson) - Cannabinoid product regulation provided, sale of cannabinoid products limited to individuals 21 years of age or older, cannabinoid product labeling required to contain a barcode or matrix barcode, additional requirements provided for edible cannabinoid products, food definition modified, and cannabinoid products that meet regulation requirements established as not controlled substances.
(Lippert) - Board of Pharmacy required to provide central repository under contract to administer medication repository program with any legislative funding, and over-the-counter medication donation conforming changes made.
(Morrison) - Seizure detection device medical assistance coverage required.
(Richardson) - Race and ethnicity added to nondiscrimination in access to transplants.
(Reyer) - Hospice respite and end-of-life care medical assistance benefit for individual under age of 22 established.
(Pryor) - Medical assistance and MinnesotaCare enrollee disenrollment procedures specified, and 12-month continuous medical assistance eligibility provided.
(Olson) - Opioid settlement proceed deposit and allocation provided, two accounts established in the opiate epidemic response fund, separate opioid account in the state treasury eliminated, time frame modified for eliminating the opioid manufacturer registration fee and reducing license fees, and municipal claims barred against litigants in settled opioid cases.
HF3886 (Morrison) Universal, voluntary home visiting program for families with infants established, and money appropriated.
HF3887 (Morrison) Minnesota baby steps home visiting program established, and money appropriated. (Pending Re-Referral)
HF4025 (Richardson) Pregnant patient right to have designated support person present while receiving health care established.
HF3873 (Jordan) Lead hazard reduction and renovation provisions modified.
HF3153 (Morrison) Tobacco and nicotine cessation treatment medical assistance coverage expanded.
HF3599 (Keeler) Trauma-informed service priority added, sexual exploitation and trafficking study created and funding provided, sexually exploited youth funding provided, and money appropriated. (Pending Re-Referral)
Amendment and testifier/material deadline will be 3 PM on Tuesday, March 15th. Items may be added or deleted. Due to time constraints, testimony will be limited to two minutes.
Public Viewing Information:
This remote hearing will be live-streamed via the House webcast schedule page: All events are closed-captioned. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.
To provide feedback on digital accessibility of meeting information, please submit comments through the Minnesota Legislature Accessibility & Usability Comment Form. If you require an accommodation, please contact John Howe at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-3208. Please contact Health Committee Administrator, with questions on the meeting agenda. To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access.
Bills Added:
(Morrison) - Tobacco and nicotine cessation treatment medical assistance coverage expanded.
(Keeler) - Trauma-informed service priority added, sexual exploitation and trafficking study created and funding provided, funding provided for sexually exploited youth, and money appropriated.
(Jordan) - Lead hazard reduction and renovation provisions modified.
(Morrison) - Universal, voluntary home visiting program for families with infants established, and money appropriated.
(Morrison) - Minnesota baby steps home visiting program established, and money appropriated.
(Richardson) - Pregnant patient right to have designated support person present while receiving health care established.
HF4103 (Huot) Local and Tribal public health emergency preparedness and response capabilities funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF4099 (Moran) Community solutions for health child development grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF4063 (Reyer) Hospital patient discharge screening requirements established for health coverage or assistance eligibility.
HF3114 (Sandell) School-based health center activity grant established, and money appropriated.
HF3876 (Edelson) Medical cannabis provisions changed. (Note: HF3875 and HF3877 will be amended onto to HF3876.)
HF3119 (Edelson) Medical cannabis program patient enrollment fees modified.
Amendment and testifier/material deadline will be 3 PM on Monday, March 14th. Items may be added or deleted. Due to time constraints, testimony will be limited to two minutes.
Public Viewing Information:
This remote hearing will be live-streamed via the House webcast schedule page: All events are closed-captioned. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.
To provide feedback on digital accessibility of meeting information, please submit comments through the Minnesota Legislature Accessibility & Usability Comment Form. If you require an accommodation, please contact John Howe at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-3208. Please contact Health Committee Administrator, with questions on the meeting agenda. To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access.
Bills Added:
(Sandell) - School-based health center activity grant established, and money appropriated.
(Edelson) - Medical cannabis program patient enrollment fees modified.
(Edelson) - Medical cannabis provisions changed.
(Huot) - Local and Tribal public health emergency preparedness and response capabilities funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Reyer) - Hospital patient discharge screening requirements established for health coverage or assistance eligibility.
(Moran) - Community solutions for healthy child development grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF3975 (Huot) Long-term care facility resident assessment case mix classification amended. (Pending floor referral)
HF3871 (Morrison) Cancer reporting provisions changed.
HF3636 (Reyer) Health care provisions modified for consumer information, foster care, asset limitations, annuities, telehealth services, managed care, and trusts.
Amendment and testifier/material deadline will be 4 PM on Friday, March 11th. Items may be added or deleted. Due to time constraints, testimony will be limited to two minutes.
Public Viewing Information:
This remote hearing will be live-streamed via the House webcast schedule page: All events are closed-captioned. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.
To provide feedback on digital accessibility of meeting information, please submit comments through the Minnesota Legislature Accessibility & Usability Comment Form. If you require an accommodation, please contact John Howe at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-3208. Please contact Health Committee Administrator, with questions on the meeting agenda. To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access.
Bills Added:
(Reyer) - Health care provisions modified for consumer information, foster care, asset limitations, annuities, telehealth services, managed care, clinical trials, and trusts.
(Morrison) - Cancer reporting provisions changed.
(Huot) - Long-term care facility resident assessment case mix classification amended.
(Huot) - Radiation hazard definition modified.
(Vang) - Health Equity and Leadership Council created, and Rural Health Advisory Committee membership specified.
(Vang) - Mental health cultural community continuing education grant program modified.
Public Viewing Information:
This remote hearing will be live-streamed via the House webcast schedule page: All events are closed-captioned. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.
To provide feedback on digital accessibility of meeting information, please submit comments through the Minnesota Legislature Accessibility & Usability Comment Form. If you require an accommodation, please contact John Howe at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-3208. Please contact Health Committee Administrator, with questions on the meeting agenda. To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access.
Bills Added:
(Stephenson) - Comprehensive health association modified, Minnesota premium security plan modified, health insurance governing provisions modified, additional coverage under health plans required, Mental Health Parity and Substance Abuse Accountability Office established, proposal for public option required, report required, money transferred, and money appropriated.
(Bierman) - Intractable pain definition modified, and controlled substance prescription for treatment criteria modified.