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Audio/Video Archives - 2023-2024 Regular Session

Health Finance and Policy

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 57
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Health Finance and Policy

HF4200 (Feist): Continued publication of annual adverse health event report required, retaliation against patient care staff prohibited, and enforcement provided.

HF3700 (Smith): Notice and public hearings for hospital closures, curtailment of operations, relocation of services, and cessation in offering services governing requirements modified; penalties provided; and right of first refusal before the sale of hospital or hospital campus established.

HF4210 (Reyer): Hospital behavioral health crisis intervention team requirements established, behavioral health crisis intervention grant program for hospitals established, provisions preventing violence against health care workers modified, public disclosure of emergency department wait times required, and money appropriated.

If you would like to submit written testimony or sign up to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator at Testifiers must sign up to testify by contacting the Committee Administrator by 5pm the day prior to the hearing. Public testimony may be limited as time allows. Written testimony is encouraged, and should also be submitted by 5pm the day prior, in Word or PDF format. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage.

This hearing may be viewed on the House webcast schedule page. All video events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.

For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.
Bills Added:
HF3700 (Smith) - Notice and public hearings for hospital closures, curtailment of operations, relocation of services, and cessation in offering services governing requirements modified; penalties provided; and right of first refusal before the sale of hospital or hospital campus established.
HF4200 (Feist) - Continued publication of annual adverse health event report required, retaliation against patient care staff prohibited, and enforcement provided.
HF4210 (Reyer) - Hospital and violence intervention team safety requirements established, hospitals required to have a secure online portal for reporting of violence incidents and threats of violence, de-escalation training required for all hospital health care workers, and report required.

Health Finance and Policy

HF2509 (Huot): Transfer care specialists authorized to remove dead human bodies from place of death, registration of transfer care specialists by commissioner of health provided, and mortuary science fee added.

HF1228 (Huot): Veterinary technicians, practice of veterinary technology, and unlicensed veterinary employees regulated.

HF1817 (Huot): Veterinary medicine licensing amended for University of Minnesota employees.

HF2111 (Huot): Licensure by credentials requirements modified for dental assistants.

HF2743 (Agbaje): Licensure for clinical art therapists established, and fees and civil penalties imposed.

HF3387 (Her): Licensed traditional midwife authority clarified to obtain, possess, and administer drugs, supplies, and devices.

HF3494 (Bahner): Additional collaboration requirements for physician assistants removed to provide ongoing psychiatric treatment for children with emotional disturbance and adults with serious mental illness.

PUBLIC TESTIMONY: If you would like to submit written testimony or sign up to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator at Testifiers must sign up to testify by contacting the Committee Administrator by 5pm the day prior to the hearing. Public testimony may be limited as time allows. Written testimony is encouraged, and should also be submitted by 5pm the day prior, in Word or PDF format. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage.

This hearing may be viewed on the House webcast schedule page. All video events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.

For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.
Bills Added:
HF1228 (Huot) - Veterinary technicians, practice of veterinary technology, and unlicensed veterinary employees regulated.
HF1817 (Huot) - Veterinary medicine licensing amended for University of Minnesota employees.
HF2111 (Huot) - Licensure by credentials requirements modified for dental assistants.
HF2743 (Agbaje) - Licensure for clinical art therapists established, and fees and civil penalties imposed.
HF3387 (Her) - Licensed traditional midwife authority clarified to obtain, possess, and administer drugs, supplies, and devices.
HF3494 (Bahner) - Additional collaboration requirements for physician assistants removed to provide ongoing psychiatric treatment for children with emotional disturbance and adults with serious mental illness.
HF2509 (Huot) - Transfer care specialists authorized to remove dead human bodies from place of death, registration of transfer care specialists provided by commissioner of health, and mortuary science fee added.

Health Finance and Policy

Department of Commerce Presentation of Milliman Public Option Report

• Peter Brickwedde, Assistant Commissioner for Government and External Affairs
• Julia Dreier, Deputy Commissioner of Insurance

PUBLIC TESTIMONY: This is an informational hearing, no piece of legislation is before the committee and no formal action will be taken. Therefore, the committee will not be taking public testimony at this time. The committee will solicit public testimony when a specific piece of legislation is scheduled for a hearing.

This hearing may be viewed on the House webcast schedule page. All video events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.

o For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
o If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
o To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.

Health Finance and Policy

HF3578 (Bahner): Prior authorization and coverage of health care services requirements modified.

HF3443 (Liebling): Release of patient health records requirements modified.

If you would like to submit written testimony or sign up to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator at Testifiers must sign up to testify by contacting the Committee Administrator by 5pm the day prior to the hearing. Public testimony may be limited as time allows. Written testimony is encouraged, and should also be submitted by 5pm the day prior, in Word or PDF format. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage.

This hearing may be viewed on the House webcast schedule page. All video events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF3443 (Liebling) - Patient health record release requirements modified.
HF3578 (Bahner) - Health care service prior authorization and coverage requirements modified, grounds for disciplinary action against physicians modified, reports to the commissioner of commerce and the legislature required, data classified, and rulemaking authorized.

Health Finance and Policy

HF1930: End-of-life option established for terminally ill adults.

The committee intends to adopt the DE1-1 “Delete Everything” amendment, then vote to advance the bill.

PUBLIC TESTIMONY: Testimony will be limited to the contents of the DE1-1 amendment. Remote/video testimony may be taken at the hearing.

If you would like to submit written testimony or sign up to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator at Testifiers must sign up to testify by contacting the Committee Administrator by 5pm the day prior to the hearing. Public testimony may be limited to 2 minutes per person as time allows. Written testimony is encouraged, and should also be submitted by 5pm the day prior, in Word or PDF format.

If you are requesting time to testify, please answer these questions in your message to the Committee Administrator:
• Are you are speaking in support of the bill or with concerns?
• Do you intend to participate in person or virtually?
• Are you representing an organization or group other than yourself? If so, which organization?

The committee will enforce a 24-hour rule for pre-filing amendments. Amendments should be submitted to the Committee Administrator no later than 1:00PM Wednesday, January 24, 2024.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF1930 (Freiberg) - End-of-life option established for terminally ill adults with a prognosis of six months or less, criminal penalties provided, data classified, reports required, immunity provided, and enforcement authorized.
Against assisted suicide.docx (1/24/2024)
Aksamit PAS letter 1 2024.docx (1/24/2024)
Ayotte Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
Baker testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Benning HF 1930 Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
Blomgren HF 1930 SF 1813 Physician Assisted Suicide Testimony (2).pdf (1/24/2024)
Boraas - oppose physician assisted suicide.docx (1/24/2024)
Borg - Oppose Physician-Assisted Suicide.pdf (1/24/2024)
Born Testimony In support of HF 1930 - Google Docs.pdf (1/24/2024)
Bowen Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
Bradway Opposition Letter HF1930.pdf (1/24/2024)
Braun Testimony - End-of-Life Options Act.docx (1/24/2024)
Broszko Testimony- Christine Broszko MD District 32-32B.pdf (1/24/2024)
Brown Testimony - Physician assist suicide.docx (1/24/2024)
Bullard Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Cameron Testimony in Opposition to HF1930.docx (1/24/2024)
Campbell - End of Life.docx (1/24/2024)
Caron testimony for HF1930.docx (1/24/2024)
CCHF Testimony HF 1930.pdf (1/24/2024)
CharlieCamosyWrittenTestimonyonHF1930.pdf (1/24/2024)
Clubb Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
CMA - Physician Assisted Suicide-We oppose physician.docx (1/24/2024)
Collett - PAS HF1930 Testimony 1.24.24.pdf (1/24/2024)
Colorado EOLOA 2021 Data Summary.pdf (1/24/2024)
Constain - End of LIfe Options.docx (1/24/2024)
Cowles Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
Cushman Testimony re HF 1930.docx (1/24/2024)
Daly Testimony - BMT and PAS.pdf (1/24/2024)
Dengate Testimony HF_1930_Support.pdf (1/24/2024)
DFLA Testimony - HR 1930.pdf (1/24/2024)
Docksey HR1930 Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Doherty Support for HF 1930.pdf (1/24/2024)
Doherty Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
Dooley letter to leg. assisted suicide.pdf (1/24/2024)
Druffner Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Falsani in support of HF 1930.pdf (1/24/2024)
Fier Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
FINAL_KCWritten Testimony_MN_01.25.24.pdf (1/24/2024)
Florez Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
Friemann - Euthanasia Bill Vote No.docx (1/24/2024)
Gansler - Letter Assisted Suicide.docx (1/24/2024)
Gaston Testimony for End-of-Life Option ACt.pdf (1/24/2024)
Gelow Testimony EOL hearing letter.pdf (1/24/2024)
Goodwin Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
GQR MN Survey 2016.pdf (1/24/2024)
Grammond Testimony .docx (1/24/2024)
Hamann - HF 1930 End of Life Options Letter to MN House.docx (1/24/2024)
Hamilton Testimony HF 1930.pdf (1/24/2024)
Hamilton Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Harvieux Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Heather Weininger Testimony 1.25.24.docx (1/24/2024)
Heidelberger - AS letter.docx (1/24/2024)
HF 1930 - letter of support to pass the bill - Lisa Lind.docx (1/24/2024)
HF 1930 Letter of Support_1.2024.pdf (1/24/2024)
HF1930 Quimby.docx (1/24/2024)
HLA written testimony HF1930 1-25-2024.pdf (1/24/2024)
Hoefferle Letter - House Committee - 2024-01-24.pdf (1/24/2024)
Hoffman Testimony Physician Assisted Suicide.docx (1/24/2024)
Hogan Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
HR 1930 Jan2024..pdf (1/24/2024)
Jacobsen Testimony End-Of-Life Option 2024.pdf (1/24/2024)
Jennen - EOLO testimony 1.25.24.dotx (1/24/2024)
Joanne Roberts MD support aid in dying bill 012524.docx (1/24/2024)
John Lyberg Testimony - HF 1930 and SF 1813.pdf (1/24/2024)
Kehr - 20240124 MN HF1930 PAS Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Kelly Testimony opposing MN End of life option bil January 24 2024.docx (1/24/2024)
Kemmetmueller Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
Kennedy Testimony, World Without Genocide, End-of-Life Options Act.pdf (1/24/2024)
Kim Horton testimony for MAID hearing.pdf (1/24/2024)
Kimberly Howard- House Opposition Testimony 01-20-2024 (1/24/2024)
Kingstreom Testimony in Support of End-of-Life Options Act.docx (1/24/2024)
Knowles PAS letter.pdf (1/24/2024)
Krause Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Larson Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Letter of Support HF1930 - LWVMN.docx.pdf (1/24/2024)
Lisko Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
LTCI - HF1930 letter.pdf (1/24/2024)
MAID Letter from Arnason.docx (1/24/2024)
Marcos Lopez Testimony Against H.F. 1930.pdf (1/24/2024)
medical_aid_In_dying_utilization_report_12-13-2022.pdf (1/24/2024)
Menzia Letter -Assisted suicide-2024.docx (1/24/2024)
MFC_TNL_Testimony_HF1930_PAS 2024.pdf (1/24/2024)
MMA-Physician-Aid-in-Dying-Task-Force-Report-and-Recommendations-Final.pdf (1/24/2024)
MN APRN Coalition Letter on HF1930 DE.docx (1/24/2024)
MN End of Life Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
MN End-of-Life Option Act Flow Chart.pdf (1/24/2024)
MN State Fair Results 2023.pdf (1/24/2024)
Moen Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
Morey - MN House Bill HF1930 & SF1813.pdf (1/24/2024)
Morey Testimony - (HF1930 & SF1813).pdf (1/24/2024)
MPA letter-HF1930 End-of-Life Options legislation 01.24.24.pdf (1/24/2024)
MPA Written Testimony Letter on MAID - House HHHS Cmte - 25JAN24 (2).pdf (1/24/2024)
MPBlissenbachTestimonyAgainstHF1930.pdf (1/24/2024)
MPS letter re MAID DEC 2023.pdf (1/24/2024)
Muslims physicians testimony HF 1930.pdf (1/24/2024)
NAMI Minnesota on End of Life Option.pdf (1/24/2024)
NCBC PAS MN 2024.pdf (1/24/2024)
Nicole Mamura_Testimony_oppose H.F. 1930_S.F. 1813.docx (1/24/2024)
Nobrega Group Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
Nydegger Testimony Opposing HF1930 Physician Assisted Suicide.pdf (1/24/2024)
Oganovic - Testimonial for the End of Life Option Act.docx (1/24/2024)
Oregon DwD 2022 Data Summary.pdf (1/24/2024)
PAS Testimony Katherine Szepieniec Hastings.pdf (1/24/2024)
Penny Pergament - Letter for Committee.docx (1/24/2024)
Pepin Testimony HF 1930.pdf (1/24/2024)
Peterson HF-1930_Testimony_in_Support.pdf (1/24/2024)
Plimpton Testimony - House Hearing for HF 1930 copy 2.pdf (1/24/2024)
Pranghofer concerns about HF1930 and SF1813.pdf (1/24/2024)
Pratt Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Pribyl HF 1930 Written Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Rolenz - Testimony for End of Life.docx (1/24/2024)
Sawyer HF1930 testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
SCB Written Testimony 1.20.2024.docx (1/24/2024)
Schwartz - LettertoMNRep.docx (1/24/2024)
Seitz Testimony .docx (1/24/2024)
Sivula Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
Skorich - assisted suicide letter.pdf (1/24/2024)
Smith Assisted Suicide Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Smith Testimony HF 1930 End of life bill.pdf (1/24/2024)
Smith Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
Soukup - End-of-Life Option Act.pdf (1/24/2024)
Spiess Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Support HF 1930 - EOLO Act - Zvosec written testimony .docx (1/24/2024)
Support-HF1930_Brown.pdf (1/24/2024)
Swenson - HR1930 1-25-24 ORAL pdf.pdf (1/24/2024)
Tara Guy - Letter of Support for HF 1930 1.24.24.pdf (1/24/2024)
Taylor Testimony HF 1930.pdf (1/24/2024)
Tedford Testimony in support of End-of-life option established for terminally ill adults.pdf (1/24/2024)
Thompson Testimony .docx (1/24/2024)
Tibesar.Opposition.PAS.docx (1/24/2024)
TonnyWillemsCompasionateChoices.docx (1/24/2024)
Voorhees Testimony .docx (1/24/2024)
Walfoort Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Walsh-Soucheray - HF 1930 Written Testimony.docx (1/24/2024)
Ware Testimony .docx (1/24/2024)
Weber HF 1930 2024.1.25 testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Wee End-of-Life Options Act testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Wendy Brown - MN End of Life Option Act.docx (1/24/2024)
White MAID testimony 2024 AW.pdf (1/24/2024)
Willaims Testimony - kates story.docx (1/24/2024)
Williams - HF1930 testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Worner Testimony Against Physician Assisted Suicide - State Legislature.docx (1/24/2024)
Written Testimony from NASW-MN_Health_1_25.docx.pdf (1/24/2024)
Zwilling Testimony.pdf (1/24/2024)
Health Finance & Policy Agenda 01.25.24.docx (1/24/2024)
H1930A2-16737582857264046224.pdf (1/24/2024)
H1930A3-6121610536204864579.pdf (1/24/2024)
H1930A4-4442726789826206107.pdf (1/24/2024)
H1930A5-12459683249550230496.pdf (1/24/2024)
H1930A8-106821058742356580.pdf (1/24/2024)
H1930DE1-1-11614957282558734019.pdf (1/24/2024)
HF1930 Speaking List.docx (1/25/2024)
Parsons Testimony.pdf (1/30/2024)
Coleman Opposition to HF1930.pdf (2/1/2024)
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