Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Bills May Be Taken in Any Order
• HF 630 (Mueller) Short-call substitute teacher pilot program extended.
• HF914 (Quam) School districts allowed to access personnel files of prospective teachers from their employing districts.
• HF1418 (Hill) Teacher licensure provisions modified, grant programs transferred from Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board to the Department of Education, reports required, and money appropriated.
• HF1959 (Mueller) Teacher preparation program grant eligibility modified.
V. Adjournment
Testimony: Individuals wishing to testify and/or provide written testimony on these bills should contact the Committee Administrator Jody Withers via email at by 3:00 PM on Monday, March 10, 2025.
Bills Added:
(Mueller) - Short-call substitute teacher pilot program extended.
(Quam) - School districts allowed to access personnel files of prospective teachers from their employing districts.
(Hill) - Teacher licensure provisions modified, grant programs transferred from Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board to the Department of Education, reports required, and money appropriated.
(Mueller) - Teacher preparation program grant eligibility modified.
HF 1491 and HF 1492 are technical correction bills. There will be no public testimony on these bills.
HF 514, HF 1052, and HF 1436 were heard in committee on Tuesday, March 4. No additional public testimony will be taken. Member discussion.
Bills Added:
(Mueller) - Read Act amended, and appropriations cancelled.
(Rehrauer) - Minnesota math corps program mission modified, and money appropriated.
(Bennett) - Evidence-based education grant goals clarified.
(Bennett) - Student academic achievement and improvement provisions clarified.
(Bakeberg) - Kindergarten through grade 3 student dismissal limitations modified.
(Bakeberg) - Student discipline provisions modified.
(Bakeberg) - Student discipline provisions modified.
• HF 514 (Bakeberg) - Kindergarten through grade 3 student dismissal limitations modified.
• HF 957 (Kresha) - Mandate relief for school districts provided, certain fund transfers for fiscal years 2025 through 2029 authorized, and school board authorized to opt out of compliance with certain recently enacted state laws or rules.
• HF 1052 (Bakeberg) - Student discipline provisions modified.
• HF 1436 (Bakeberg) - Student discipline provisions modified.
V. Adjournment
Testimony: Individuals wishing to testify and/or provide written testimony on HF 514, HF 1052, or HF 1436 should contact the Committee Administrator Jody Withers via email at by 3:00 PM on Monday, March 3, 2025.
There will no public testimony taken on HF 957. This bill is the language from HF 6, Article 3, and was heard in Education Policy on February 12, 2025, and in Education Finance on February 18, 2025.
Bills Added:
(Bakeberg) - Kindergarten through grade 3 student dismissal limitations modified.
(Kresha) - Mandate relief for school districts provided, certain fund transfers for fiscal years 2025 through 2029 authorized, and school board authorized to opt out of compliance with certain recently enacted state laws or rules.
(Bakeberg) - Student discipline provisions modified.
(Bakeberg) - Student discipline provisions modified.
- HF15 (Engen) - Student and staff safety measures required to be included in each school district's long-term facilities maintenance school facility plan, safe schools funding increased, school security systems grants created, and money appropriated.
- HF22 (Gillman) - Parent's bill of rights created.
VI. Adjournment
Testimony: Individuals wishing to testify on the posted bills should contact the Committee Administrator Jody Withers via email at by 3:00 PM on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.
Bills Added:
(Engen) - Student and staff safety measures required to be included in each school district's long-term facilities maintenance school facility plan, school security systems grants created, report required, and money appropriated.
(Gillman) - Parent's bill of rights created.
• HF 62 (Keeler) References to statutes governing student attendance provided.
• HF 1030 (Keeler) Student attendance reporting required.
• HF 1053 (Bakeberg) Reenrollment after student withdrawal from school encouraged, and notification and resources required for the family of an unenrolled child.
• HF 1054 (Bakeberg) Student attendance data reporting required in school performance reports.
• HF 1413 (Bakeberg) – Modifying attendance reporting requirements.
VI. Adjournment
Testimony: Individuals wishing to testify on the scheduled bills should contact the Committee Administrator Jody Withers via email at by 3:00 PM on Monday, February 24, 2025. As these bills relate to the subject of student attendance and truancy, testifiers will be recognized once and may testify on specific bills posted, or all bills in combination within the allotted time.
Bills Added:
(Keeler) - References to statutes governing student attendance provided.
(Keeler) - Student attendance reporting required.
(Bakeberg) - Reenrollment after student withdrawal from school encouraged, and notification and resources required for the family of an unenrolled child.
(Bakeberg) - Student attendance data reporting required in school performance reports.
(Bakeberg) - Education attendance reporting requirements modified.