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Audio/Video Archives - 2025-2026 Regular Session

Workforce, Labor, and Economic Development Finance and Policy

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Workforce, Labor, and Economic Development Finance and Policy

I. H.F. 1355 (Baker) - Holders of permits to harvest or destroy aquatic plants required to safely use scuba diving equipment, and commercial diving operations requirements established (This bill was moved to next Tuesday due to weather conditions)
II. H.F. 23 (Robbins) – Whistleblower definitions provided, and whistleblower protections for public employees modified

III. presentation and overview of the Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board

Bills Added:
HF23 (Robbins) - Whistleblower definitions provided, and whistleblower protections for public employees modified.

Workforce, Labor, and Economic Development Finance and Policy

I. H.F. 1004 (Sexton) - Minnesota Helmets to Hardhats program appropriation
II. H.F. 1439 (Bakeberg) – Minnesota Grocers Association Foundation grant funding provided for Carts to Careers
III. H.F. 498 (Agbaje) - Urban League Twin Cities grant funding provided
IV. H.F. 1326 (Wolgamott) - Centers for independent living grants funding provided

*all of these bills will be laid over
Bills Added:
HF1439 (Bakeberg) - Minnesota Grocers Association Foundation grant funding provided for the Carts to Careers initiative, and money appropriated.
HF1004 (Sexton) - Minnesota Helmets to Hardhats program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF498 (Agbaje) - Urban League Twin Cities grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1326 (Wolgamott) - Centers for independent living grants funding provided, and money appropriated.

Workforce, Labor, and Economic Development Finance and Policy

I. H.F. 8 (Heintzeman) - expedited permitting process modified

The committee will be exclusively taking up Section 7 of the bill, which creates an Ombudsman in the Department of Employment and Economic Development.

Requests to testify in-person or written testimony must be submitted by 1pm, February 26 to:
Bills Added:
HF8 (Heintzeman) - Wetland Conservation Act determination efficiency improved, permitting efficiency reporting requirements modified, permit application process improved, Pollution Control Agency required to issue separate permits, expedited permitting process modified, petitioners required to reside in affected or adjoining counties, scoping environmental assessment worksheet requirements eliminated, local review clarified, state implementation plan modification required, reports required, and money appropriated.

Workforce, Labor, and Economic Development Finance and Policy

I. Presentation by the Intergovernmental Misclassification Enforcement and Education Partnership

II. H.F. 961 (Baker) - Hospitality education grant funding provided

III. Explore Minnesota agency overview

I.V. Bureau of Mediation Services agency overview

Bills Added:
HF961 (Baker) - Hospitality education grant funding provided, and money appropriated.

Workforce, Labor, and Economic Development Finance and Policy

I. Conclusion of questions from overview by Dept. of Employment and Economic Development regarding paid leave program buildout

II. H.F. 661 (Hicks) - Bridges to Healthcare funding provided

III. H.F. 610 (Davids) - Emergency medicine career pathways program appropriation

IV. H.F. 606 (Rymer) / H.F. 1376 (Johnson, W) - FATHER Project grant funding provided
**** this bill will be presented jointly with a bill being introduced by Rep. Wayne Johnson on Monday, Feb. 24th. Both bills will be laid over.
Bills Added:
HF661 (Hicks) - Bridges to Healthcare funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF610 (Davids) - Emergency medicine career pathways program funding provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF606 (Rymer) - FATHER Project grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1376 (Johnson) - FATHER Project grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
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