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Audio/Video Archives - 2025-2026 Regular Session


Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Call to Order.
II. HF403 (Myers) - Senior property tax credit established, and money appropriated.
III. HF951 (Davids) - Sales and use tax exemption for telecommunications or pay television services machinery and equipment modified.
IV. HF859 (Baker) - Sales and use tax exemption established for food service establishment equipment.
V. HF1088 (Coulter) - Property tax exemption extended for property held for economic development.
VI. HF1277 (Davids) - Data centers sales and use tax exemption modified
VII. HF 812 (Wiener) - Individual income tax rates modified, and zero bracket provided.
VIII. Adjourn

*HF1277 will be limited to member testimony. Written testimony or requests to testify in person are due via e-mail to the Committee Administrator by 1:00 PM on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025.

Bills Added:
HF403 (Myers) - Senior property tax credit established, and money appropriated.
HF951 (Davids) - Sales and use tax exemption for telecommunications or pay television services machinery and equipment modified.
HF859 (Baker) - Sales and use tax exemption established for food service establishment equipment.
HF1088 (Coulter) - Property tax exemption extended for property held for economic development.
HF1277 (Davids) - Data centers sales and use tax exemption modified.
HF812 (Wiener) - Individual income tax rates modified, and zero bracket provided.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Call to Order.
II. HF1277 (Davids) - Data centers sales and use tax exemption modified.
III. HF812 (Wiener) - Individual income tax rates modified, and zero bracket provided.
IV. HF457 (Harder) - Refundable sales and use tax credit proposed for conversion of underutilized buildings, grants in lieu of the credit allowed, credit sunset proposed, and reports required.
V. HF633 (Nadeau) - Licensed in-home childcare providers market value exclusion established.
VI. Adjourn

*HF1277 will be limited to member discussion. Written testimony or requests to testify in person are due via e-mail to the Committee Administrator by 1:00 PM on Monday, March 3rd, 2025.
Bills Added:
HF1277 (Davids) - Data centers sales and use tax exemption modified.
HF812 (Wiener) - Individual income tax rates modified, and zero bracket provided.
HF457 (Harder) - Refundable sales and use tax credit proposed for conversion of underutilized buildings, grants in lieu of the credit allowed, credit sunset proposed, and reports required.
HF633 (Nadeau) - Licensed in-home child care providers market value exclusion established.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Call to Order.
II. HF1277 (Davids) - Data centers sales and use tax exemption modified.
III. HF1006 (Norris) - Property tax abatement for land bank property allowed.
IV. Adjourn

Written testimony or requests to testify in person are due via e-mail to the Committee Administrator by 1:00 PM on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
Bills Added:
HF1277 (Davids) - Data centers sales and use tax exemption modified.
HF1006 (Norris) - Property tax abatement for land bank property allowed.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Call to Order.
II. HF5 (Joy) - Imposition and allocation of certain taxes modified, tax analysis required, transportation funding impacts analysis required, retail delivery fee repealed, unlimited Social Security subtraction provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
III. HF9 (Swedzinski) - Hydroelectric capacity that qualifies as an eligible energy technology under the renewable energy standard modified; electric utility requirements relating to energy, solar, or carbon-free standards delayed under certain conditions; and sales tax exemption for residential heating fuels and electricity expanded.
IV. HF385 (Norris) - Individual income tax subtraction provided for discharges of indebtedness, and certain discharges of indebtedness excluded from income.
V. Adjourn.

Written testimony or requests to testify in person are due via e-mail to the Committee Administrator by 1:00 PM on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.
Bills Added:
HF5 (Joy) - Imposition and allocation of certain taxes modified, tax analysis required, transportation funding impacts analysis required, retail delivery fee repealed, unlimited Social Security subtraction provided, previous appropriation and transfer modified, reports required, money transferred, and money appropriated.
HF9 (Swedzinski) - Hydroelectric capacity that qualifies as an eligible energy technology under the renewable energy standard modified; electric utility requirements relating to energy, solar, or carbon-free standards delayed under certain conditions; and sales tax exemption for residential heating fuels and electricity expanded.
HF385 (Norris) - Individual income tax subtraction provided for discharges of indebtedness, and certain discharges of indebtedness excluded from income.
H0005A11 (002).pdf (2/24/2025)
H0005A12.pdf (2/24/2025)
H0005A13.pdf (2/25/2025)
H0009A11-LIHEAP Amendment.pdf (2/25/2025)
hf0005 Various Taxes_2Revenue Estimate.pdf (2/25/2025)
SurveyUSAKSTPPoll.pdf (2/25/2025)
2025.02.26 NFIB Letter re HF 5 (Tax Bill).pdf (2/25/2025)
HF5_Support_Delivery_Fee_Repeal_House_Taxes_MN_Retailers_Feb_26_2025.pdf (2/25/2025)
coalition-letter-on-proposed-32-million-cut-to-bus-transit-walking-biking-3.pdf (2/25/2025)
2.24.25 Met Council House Taxes Committee letter re HF 5.pdf (2/25/2025)
Drive Electric Minnesota Letter_HF 5_A10.pdf (2/25/2025)
Drive Electric Minnesota Policy Positions 2025 (1).pdf (2/25/2025)
HF 5 Fresh Energy 2.26.25.pdf (2/25/2025)
HF5 AMC Letter House Taxes.pdf (2/25/2025)
HF 5 (Taxes) - AGC of MN.pdf (2/25/2025)
HF5 H tax Cmte Letter of Support 2.10.25.pdf (2/25/2025)
HF5LetterTranspoAlliance.pdf (2/25/2025)
Joint Trades Letter Support Transportation Funding House Taxes 022525.pdf (2/25/2025)
Letter to House Tax Committee H.F. 5 022525-CEAM.pdf (2/25/2025)
MGA HF5 House Taxes 2.26.25.pdf (2/25/2025)
MICA Letter on H.F. 5 - House Taxes.pdf (2/25/2025)
Sierra Club Testimony to House Taxes on HF5 Feb 26.docx.pdf (2/25/2025)
HF5HouseResearchSummary.pdf (2/25/2025)
HF0009HouseResearchSummary.pdf (2/25/2025)
hf0009(sf0572) Residential Heating Fuels Expansion_1.pdf (2/25/2025)
HF9-0 Completed FN.pdf (2/25/2025)
CURE_Testimony_HF 9_Taxes.pdf (2/25/2025)
HF 9 Fresh Energy 2.26.25.pdf (2/25/2025)
Sierra Club Testimony on HF9 to House Taxes Feb 26.docx.pdf (2/25/2025)
HF0385HouseResearchSummary.pdf (2/25/2025)
HF 385 Discharged Debt Subtraction Revenue Estimate.pdf (2/25/2025)
Minutes Taxes Sixth.pdf (2/25/2025)
We Make MN_Letter on HF 5.pdf (2/25/2025)
Seventh Meeting Agenda2.26.pdf (2/25/2025)


Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Call to Order.
II. HF4 (Johnson, W) - Portion of projected budget surplus required to be returned to state taxpayers, and constitutional amendment proposed.
III. HF173 (Robbins) - Income and corporate franchise tax; research credit modified.
IV. Adjourn.

Written testimony or requests to testify in person are due via e-mail to the Committee Administrator by 1:00 PM on Monday, February 24, 2025.
Bills Added:
HF4 (Johnson) - Portion of projected budget surplus required to be returned to state taxpayers, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF173 (Robbins) - Income and corporate franchise tax; research credit modified.
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