HF3936 (Holberg) Bomb squad employee disability payments provided
HF3574 (Juhnke) State Building Code application and enforcement regulated
HF3229 (Nelson) Utility disconnection reporting required so local governments may get notice
HF3839/SF 3154 (Lillie) Residential mortgage originators and services regulated, and borrower's ability to pay verified
HF3766 (Tillberry) Horse racing; Medication regulations modified
HF3543 (Winkler) Foreign cooperatives regulation provided, dissolution notification request removed, document return provided, foreign partnerships allowed to use alternative names, and name filing contests eliminated
HF3538 (Winkler) Start-up and emerging Minnesota businesses investment credit provided
HF3457 (Simon) Custodial trust account use of debit or credit cards authorized to withdraw funds
HF3849 (Simon) Commercial multipassenger bicycle passengers permitted to consume alcohol
HF3721 (Dittrich) Health insurers required to offer small employers the option to purchase flexible benefit plans
HF3332 (Dill) Credit card surcharges regulated
HF3112 (Sertich) Statewide health insurance pool created for school district employees, and money appropriated
HF3526 (Abeler) Acupuncture services equal access required by group policies and subscriber contracts, claim determinations required by services to be made or reviewed by acupuncture practitioners, and referral and reimbursement rate reports required
HF3365 (Atkins) Professional firefighter arbitration procedures repealed concerning total package final offers.
HF3481 (Atkins) Payroll card accounts sunset repealed
HF3829 (Atkins) State Fair liquor license technical changes made
HF3924 (Thao) Optometrists allowed to dispense legend drugs at retail under certain conditions
HF3366 (Eken) Petrofund program modified
HF3236 (Davnie) Deed, rates of interest, and mortgage contracts regulated, borrower's ability to repay verification provided, and mortgage broker's failure to comply penalties and remedies provided
HF3975 (Smith) Attorney fees and recovery of damages provided for breach of an insurance policy
HF3084 (Scalze) Homeowners provided with a longer period within which to notify contractors of construction defects
HF3296 (Johnson) Independent contractor status rule exception eliminated, and audit activities required
HF3888 (Atkins) Real estate transactions regulated, terms defined, and closing agents regulated
HF3134 (Thissen) Death deed conveyance of interests in real property by transfer provision provided, acknowledgments made in a representative capacity clarified, registered land application clarified, obsolete language eliminated and technical changes made
HF3195 (Knuth) Greenhouse gas emission cap and trade program principles established, studies required, and money appropriated
HF863 (Hortman) California vehicle emissions standards adopted, and updates provided to comply with the federal Clean Air Act
HF2414/SF2262 (Johnson) Telecommunications state agency obsolete rules repealed
HF3077 (Beard) Occupational licenses provided
HF3822 (Dominguez) Motor vehicle insurance adjustments regulated
HF3411 (Atkins), HF635 (Masin), HF3932 (Atkins), HF 1922 (Gunther) have been removed from the agenda
Bill Removed:
& HF 3516 (Davnie) Foreclosure information specification provided and report required
Bill Added:
HF 3287 (Davnie) Debt management services regulated, and obsolete criminal provision repealed
HF 3913 (Gunther) Minnesota Boxing Commission name changed, penalties provided, jurisdiction extended, and rulemaking authorized