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Audio/Video Archives - 2007-2008 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Public Safety and Civil Justice

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HF772 (Paymar) Increasing the required minimum liability limits on aircraft insurance; providing that aircraft liability insurance is not voidable retroactively after a claim;
HF1438 (Mariani) Prohibiting commissioner of public safety from complying with Real ID Act;
HF1896 (Winkler) Establishing Legislative Commission on Terror and Disaster Preparedness; appropriating money;
HF1621 (Bunn) Establishing an environmental health tracking and biomonitoring program; appropriating money;

HF1282 (Holberg) Classifying certain transportation department data;
HF1305 (Holberg) Requiring state and local law enforcement agencies to provide certain information;
HF1306 (Holberg) Regulating business screening agencies; providing civil penalties;
HF1465 (Kohls) Requiring the commissioner of corrections to develop a standard formula for calculating the per diem cost in county and regional jails.
HF655 (Huntley) Providing for the medical use of marijuana; providing civil and criminal penalties; establishing application and renewal fees; appropriating money.
HF1019 (Olin) Requiring certain persons under the age of 18 to register as predatory offenders;

Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs

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HF2104 (Dill) Cook County local lodging and admission taxes authorized.
HF2093 (Anderson, B.) Clearwater local sales and use tax authorized.
HF1514 (Atkins) Aggregate material host fees authorized.
HF1808 (Atkins) Tax increment financing plan modification procedures clarified to not apply to certain acquisitions of property.
HF1685 (Mullery) Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority powers clarified.
HF1762 (Simon) City charter commission discharge mechanism provided.
HF1205 (Kranz) Displaced residents relocation compensation required relating to manufactured homes.
HF301 (Davnie) Blighted housing rehabilitation program established, and nuisance properties transferred to nonprofit housing organizations. (Informational Hearing)
HFXXXX (Kalin) A bill for an act relating to energy; requiring commissioner of administration to construct accessible database reporting energy use in public buildings; appropriating money.
HFXXX (Kalin) A bill for an act relating to state government; requiring the state to maintain searchable databases on tax increment financing and JOBZ; appropriating money.
HF2102 (Hansen) Lilydale food and beverage tax authorized.
HF1343 (Hansen) Wetland replacement requirements and agency service requirements modified, civil enforcement provided, and money appropriated.
HF1930 (Hansen) Local water management accountability and oversight improvement provided, and money appropriated.
HF1476 (Knuth) Individual sewage treatment systems provisions modified.
HF1486( Pelowski) Charitable organizations authorized to participate in joint powers agreements.
HF1919 (Marquart) Plats of land contents, survey, and approval provided.
HF1872 (Thissen) Hennepin County; Hennepin Healthcare system personnel conflicts of interest regulated.
HF1432 (Huntley) St. Louis County civil service director provisions modified.
HF1629 (Hilstrom) Fair market value determination clarified in certain dedication proceedings.
HF267 (Olson) Municipal boundary adjustment advisory task force extended.
HF1161 (Kohls) Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority renamed the Scott County Community Development Agency.
HF1141 (Emmer) Hennepin and Wright counties change of boundaries by resolution authorized.
HF284 (Ruth) Special assessment deferments authorized for members of the armed forces.
HF86 (Hackbarth) Elk River designated as the state energy city.
HF1490 (Beard) Scott County hiring process and personnel provisions modified.
HF1376 (Holberg) Extinguishing interest in abandoned town road requirements modified.
HF1708 (Peterson, N.) Hennepin County design-build contract provisions modified.
HF822 (Clark) Neighborhood revitalization policy board required to study and report on continued needs for funding.
HF611 (Anzelc) Workplace communications between labor organizations and employees protected, and certain employer conduct prohibited.
HFXXXX (Abeler) Authorizing home rule charter cities to provide by charter the procedures for appointment of housing and redevelopment commissioner.
HF1916 (Brod) Construction permits clarified relating to ownership of a contiguous nonconforming lot or parcel.

HF1876 (Hilstrom) has been removed from the agenda.

Health and Human Services

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HF1726 (Thissen) Health Records Act adopted
HF1041 (Abeler) Controlled substances prescription electronic reporting system established.
HF1586 (Tschumper) Statewide health plan purchasing pool study group established.
HF1849 (Gottwalt) Prescriptions or drug orders validity requirements specified.
HF1589 (Murphy, E.) Patient visitation by health care agents provided, and visitation rights and right to designate a domestic partner for certain purposes established.
HF1287 (Davnie) Colorectal screening tests medical insurance coverage required.
HF1999 (Slocum) Health and auto insurance reimbursement required for emergency care provided by first responders.
HF1810 (Poppe) Family day care demonstration project authorized.
HF1582 (Norton) Radioactive material license renewal fee eliminated, ionizing radiation-producing equipment fees established, and x-ray equipment operating requirements and lead abatement program provisions modified.
HF1987 (Huntley) Minnesota Medical Information Council established, and money appropriated.
HF2100 (Clark) Bisphenol-A and phthalates prohibited in products for young children.
HF917 (Clark) Lice and scabies treatment products that contain the pesticide Lindane prohibited.

HF1077 (Ruud) has been removed from the agenda
HF1831 (Thao) has been removed from the agenda
HF1991 (Loeffler) has been removed from the agenda
Continuation of morning agenda

Health and Human Services

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HF1078 (Huntley) Hospital public interest review and alternative approval process modified, and hospital accountability requirements established for tax purposes.
HF501 (Thissen) Radiation therapy facility construction limitations expiration date eliminated.
HF1402 (Thissen) A bill for an act relating to health; eliminating ratable reductions from rebased rate in certain circumstances
HF1403 (Thissen) A bill for an act relating to health; paying hospital services for actual cost of providing services
HF1404 (Thissen) A bill for an act relating to Human Services; providing a hospital outpatient services rate increase for a certain hospital
HF1885 (Huntley) A bill for an act relating to health; requiring nonprofit hospitals and outpatient surgical centers to report on community benefits in a standard way
HF175 (Erickson) A bill for an act relating to health; excluding aid and attendance benefits from the MinnesotaCare definition of income

HF1577 (Lesch), HF1621 (Bunn), HF1444 (Bigham) and HF1622 (Clark) have been removed from the agenda

Mental Health Division

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HF794 (Otremba) modifying medical assistance coverage to include consultations with psychologists; increasing the medical assistance reimbursement rate for critical access mental health services
HF913 (Thissen) waiving the moratorium regarding beds and expending group residential housing supplemental rates
HF1590 (Brynaert) authorizing a Regional Children's Mental Health Initiative pilot project; developing an enhanced regional children's mental health service system

Transportation Finance Division

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Mark-up of omnibus transportation finance bill

Public Safety Finance Division

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HF1734 (Dominguez) Establishing a pilot project to provide services to ex-criminal offenders now in the community; requiring a report; appropriating money
HF243 (Walker) Reestablishing the ombudsman for corrections; establishing the powers and duties of the ombudsman; appropriating money
HF1737 (Atkins) Establishing reduced ignition propensity standards for cigarettes; authorizing the state fire marshal to monitor and the state attorney general to enforce the standards; imposing a fee; establishing penalties for violations
HF700 (Eastlund) Creating a matching-grant pilot program to assist communities in providing safe transportation for intoxicated persons
HF698 (Hilstrom) Authorizing organizations providing mentoring services to request criminal background checks from the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension; appropriating money
HF1733 (Paymar) Authorizing a grant to address domestic violence and intimate partner violence among offenders re-entering the community after a period of incarceration; appropriating money
HF1220 (Hilstrom) Providing for grants for child advocacy centers that perform certain core functions; appropriating money
HF414 (Liebling) Authorizing the Department of Public Safety to make emergency grants to crime victims; appropriating money
HF1628 (Lesch) Reducing the surcharge on license tab violations from $72 to $4
HF1609 (Clark) Protecting certain employee statements from employer retaliation; establishing complaint procedures; establishing investigative jurisdiction for the commissioner of labor and industry; creating civil penalties *** bill added ***
HF1858 (Cornish) Appropriating money for peace officer training related to domestic violence no contact orders *** bill added ***
HF1859 (Cornish) Money for a uniform statewide no contact order form *** bill added ***

Energy Finance and Policy Division

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HF1357 (Walker) Low-income heating assistance funding provided.
HF1453 (Hilty) Public Utilities Commission monthly reports required from utilities regarding residential accounts.
HF1645 (Bly) Low-income residential customers energy affordability programs criteria specified.
HF1679 (Johnson) Utility current and past due bills and undercharges payment arrangements provisions modified.
HF1770 (Sailer) Utility service disconnection and reconnecting conditions modified.
HF1544 (Gunther) Propane prepurchase funding provided as part of the low-income home energy assistance program, and money appropriated.
HF2097 (Gardner) Cold weather rule provided for public utilities relating to disconnections during winter.
HF1642 (Peterson, A.) Wind energy conversion systems capacity increased fro school board ownership.
HF1664 (Kalin) East central Minnesota renewable energy plant feasibility study grant authorized.

K-12 Finance Division

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HF482 (Hortman) School year length increased, and school start before Labor Day prohibition repealed. (information only)
HF443 (Peterson, S.) Alternative school year calendar program grants provided, and money appropriated. (information only)
HF835 (Demmer) Alternative school calendar pilot program established to examine the impact of school calendar arrangements on student learning, and money appropriated. (information only)
HF1698 (Norton) Scholar loan program established to encourage teacher diversity in schools, revolving account established, and money appropriated.
HF670 (Liebling) School districts authorized to include energy efficiency improvement projects in alternative facilities plan.
HF988 (Winkler) Technology task force and grants established for schools, school district technology plan developed, and money appropriated.
HF1888 (Dittrich) Academic rigor and 3R high schools provided, and money appropriated. (information only)
HF1092 (Anzelc) Online Learning Option Act modified. (information only)
HF752 (Hornstein) Career and college counseling pilot program established for high school students, program evaluation and reporting provided, research consortium established, and money appropriated. (moved back from Thursday's agenda)
Disparities in Student Support and Service Subcommittee report:
HF1082 (Loeffler) Four-year-old kindergarten programs funding increased.
HF396 (Dominguez) School district extended time revenue increased.
HF1086 (Davnie) Four-year-old students made eligible for extended time programs.
HF1426 (Davnie) Extended year kindergarten program created, and money appropriated.
HF489 (Hilstrom) Staff development funding authorized for school districts with schools not making adequate yearly progress, and money appropriated.

Capital Investment Finance Division

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Bills not heard during the March 15 Capital Investment hearing are continued on the agenda for this meeting.
Department of Public Safety Forensic Laboratory update
HF372 (Slocum) Richfield; new arterial street construction provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF513 (Lenczewski) Bloomington; Old Cedar Avenue bridge removal and replacement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF859 (Hausman) St. Paul RiverCentre loan repayment forgiven; city of St. Paul funding provided to defease, pay, redeem, or refund city bonds; and money appropriated.
HF870 (Fritz) Medford wastewater treatment facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF961 (Ruud) Eden Prairie veterans memorial funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1175 (Murphy, M.) Aircraft facilities state financing modified to allow flexibility in obtaining a new lessee for a facility, and other statutory provisions modified.
HF1269 (Davnie) Minneapolis; Target Center city bonds principal repayment grant provided, state bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1375 (Liebling) Rochester; Mayo Civic Center Complex improvements design funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1528 (Paymar) St. Paul; Ordway Center for the Performing Arts renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1536 (Hansen) Mississippi River barrier construction provided to prevent aquatic invasive species from migrating up river, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1682 (Koenen) Upper Sioux Community water system improvements funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1786 (Hansen) Carbon sequestration demonstration project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1833 (Urdahl) Greenleaf Lake state park land acquisition required by a specified date.
HF1938 (Lanning) Multicounty regional chemical dependency treatment facility and correctional center in west central Minnesota predesign funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1962 (Ward) Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area trail development funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1522 (Lillie) Gateway Trail tunnel funding provided, and money appropriated.

HF1481 (Peterson, N.) has been removed from the agenda

Telecommunications Regulation and Infrastructure Division

HFXXXX (Johnson) Statewide cable franchising.
Draft copies of this legislation are available outside 578 State Office Building
Those interested in testifying on this legislation, please contact Elizabeth Emerson, Committee Administrator, at (651) 296-7175 or

Labor and Consumer Protection Division

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HF0456 (Rukavina) Minimum wage increased and indexed, training wage eliminated, and new employee notice required.
HF1515 (Davnie) Credit counseling and debt management services businesses regulated, and money appropriated.
HF0872 (Anzelc) Ainsworth Lumber Company; extra unemployment benefits provided for certain workers.
HF1599 (Masin) Northwest Airlines, Inc., mechanics unemployment benefits eligibility and extra benefits provided.
HF0635 (Masin) Minnesota Wireless Telephone Consumer Protection Act adopted.
HF1334 (Lesch) Health Families, Healthy Workplaces Act adopted establishing minimum standards of sick leave.
HF1665 (Gardner) Consumer reports security freezes regulated, and fees provided.
HF1443 (Mullery) Contractors requirements and prevailing wage provisions modified, and penalties imposed.

Veterans Affairs Division

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HF1891 (Haws) Veterans Homes Board member and executive director service qualifications modified.

E-12 Education

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HF1887 (Slawik) Hearing loss early education intervention coordinator provided, and money appropriated.
HF2085 (Mariani) Quantum opportunities program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1092 (Anzelc) Online Learning Option Act modified.
HF2023 (Erickson) Advisory task force to consider and recommend a redesign of middle schools convened, and money appropriated.
HF1800 (Dettmer) Staff development goals and expenditures clarified relating to education.

HF1090 (Dettmer), HF1794 (Slawik) and HF2011 (Hornstein) have been removed from the agenda.

Crime Victims Subcommittee

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HF1220 (Hilstrom) Providing for grants for child advocacy centers that perform certain core functions; appropriating money
HF239 (Lesch) Providing testimonial confidentiality for certain sexual assault counselors; eliminating the "mistake of age" defense for certain criminal sexual assault offenders; enhancing penalties for certain nonconsensual sexual contact offenses committed by professionals engaged in massage or bodywork;
HF414 (Liebling) Authorizing the Department of Public Safety to make emergency grants to crime victims; appropriating money
HF506 (Olin) Making repeat offenders who violate domestic abuse no contact orders guilty of a felony; defining qualified domestic violence-related offenses;
HF1273 (Kranz) Providing testimonial confidentiality for certain sexual assault counselors; eliminating the "mistake of age" defense for certain criminal sexual assault offenders; enhancing penalties for certain nonconsensual sexual contact offenses committed by professionals engaged in massage or bodywork
HF1354 (Paymar) Prohibiting mandatory polygraphs for criminal sexual conduct victims
HF1841 (Simon) Permitting victims of domestic abuse to terminate a lease in certain circumstances.
HF1858 (Cornish) Appropriating money for peace officer training related to domestic violence no contact orders
HF1859 (Cornish) Appropriating money for a uniform statewide no contact order form.

Property Tax Relief and Local Sales Tax Division

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Bills to be heard at 8 a.m.:
HF1518 (Brown) Local government aid programs and appropriations modified, and school finance equalizing factors indexed
HF1534 (Hilstrom) Local government aid distribution modified, and appropriation increased.
HF1115 (Norton) Local government aid distribution mechanism amended to decrease volatility.
HF1381 (Atkins) Local government aid inflation adjustment provided.
HF346 (Severson) City aid local government aid base increased for certain cities.
HF1746 (Gottwalt) Local government aid city aid base increased for specified cities.
HF54 (Mullery) City aid base additions provided for certain cities, city aid appropriation limit increased, and aid required to be used for certain purposes.
HF1774 (Kalin) Local government aid payable to a specified city increased.
HF1881 (Bigham) Local government aid city base adjustment modified for certain cities has been added to the agenda.
HF1933 (Marquart) Local government aid distribution formula modified has been added

Bills to be heard at noon:
HF390 (Rukavina) Disabled veteran or surviving spouse homestead property tax exemption provided
HF2108 (Dettmer) Payment in lieu of taxes; allowing a town that incorporates into a city to continue receiving certain payments
HF2096 (Eastlund) Providing a valuation exclusion for homesteads of certain disabled military veterans
HF956(Lenczewski) Bloomington fiscal disparities pool contribution obligation eliminated.
HF1924 (Lenczewski) Metropolitan fiscal disparities program study required, and money appropriated.
HF1632 (Tillberry) Homeowners property tax refunds increased, and household income modified for persons age 65 or older.
HF1648 (Gottwalt) Senior citizen's property tax deferral program modified.
HF1260 (Severson) Taxable market value increase prohibited for homesteads owned by persons at least 65 years of age and within certain income limits
HF2150 (Hilstrom) Low-income rental housing required to participate in the crime free multihousing program to receive a reduced property tax class rate.
HF142 (Wardlow) Property tax refund household income definition modified to exempt the amount of any military disability pay received by a veteran from the federal government.
HF1234 (S. Anderson) Supplemental refund provided under the additional property tax refund program.
HF1372 (Ward) Homeowners' property tax refunds maximum amount increased.
HF2052 (Atkins) Seasonal recreational property tax refund provided.
HF61 (Sviggum) Property tax rebate provided, and money appropriated
HF2122 (Brod) Property tax refunds; removing the maximum from the homeowner refund; implementing an income phaseout for the special refund
HF1947 (Marquart) Property tax petitions 60-day rule modified.
HF777 (Lesch) A bill for an act relating to taxation; property; providing a housing opportunity area tax abatement program

Bills Removed from Agenda:
HF1918 (Wagenius)


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Agenda continued from March 14
HF930 (Dean) Health insurance premiums income tax subtraction authorized.
HF69 (Mullery) Health insurance premiums federal taxable income subtraction provided.
HF1245 (Eken) Volunteer ambulance personnel longevity awards income tax subtraction provided.
HF81 (Paulsen) Long-term capital gains income tax exclusion provided.
HF1378 (Paulsen) Minnesota college savings plan contributions income tax subtraction provided.
HF435 (Cornish) Alternative fuel vehicle conversion income tax credit provided has been added.
HF433 (Cornish) Alternative fuel vehicle federal taxable income subtraction provided.
HF1537 (Gunther) Education loans principal and interest payments income tax subtraction provided.
HF1541 (Thissen) Tuition savings plan federal taxable income subtraction provided.
HF1963 (Thissen) Income tax credit provided for donations to qualified scholarship-granting organizations.

HF1301 (Moe) has been removed from the agenda

E-12 Education

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HF549 (Davnie) Charter school qualifying special education costs funding provided.
HF990 (Norton) Parent and family involvement school district policies required.
HF2021 (Brynaert) Office of Educational Accountability funding provided through the University of Minnesota, and measurement experts convened to consider how school performance report card data are most usefully displayed.
HF1888 (Dittrich) Academic rigor and 3R high schools provided.
HF1700 (Hornstein) Parent and community involvement in learning funding provided.
HF482 (Hortman) School year length increased, and school start before Labor Day prohibition repealed.
HF443 (Peterson, S.) Alternative school year calendar program grants provided.
HF835 (Demmer) Alternative school calendar pilot program established to examine the impact of school calendar arrangements on student learning.
HF2011 (Hornstein) Expansion of the rites of passage program funding authorized; program evaluation required.

HF1092 (Anzelc) has been moved to the Friday agenda.

Environment and Natural Resources

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HF 1316 (Hortman) Mercury; certain mercury-containing products sales prohibited; sales, use, and disposal requirements modified; consumer information required; lamp recycling requirements modified; and mercury reduction at crematoriums provided
HF 1476 (Knuth) Individual sewage treatment systems provisions modified
HF 1663 (Moe) Wild rice; genetically-engineered organisms regulation provisions modified
HF 1662 (Moe) Wild rice management plan required
HF1418 (Eken) Natural resources rulemaking authority state park permit, and other provisions modified; and Mineral Coordinating Committee expiration extended
HF 1674 (Eken) Environmental review rules relating to biofuel production facilities adoption required

Commerce and Labor

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HF1314 (Atkins) Truth in Music Advertising Act adopted regulating the advertising of live musical performances.
HF740 (Mahoney) Price gouging prohibited on essential consumer good and services including food, water, fuel, gasoline, medical supplies, and other items; and enforcement authority provided.
HF0556 (Beard) Airport safety zones transfers of real property disclosure requirements clarified.
HF1656 (Thissen) Jewelry products containing lead manufacture and sale regulated.
Hf1013/SF112* (Otremba) Body piercing regulation.
HF1844 (Walker) Hair braiding registration required.
HF1364 (Atkins) Building contractors insurance requirements modified.
HF712 (Fritz) Safe Patient Handling Act adopted, programs and committees established, and money appropriated.
HF1359 (Atkins) Auto insurance medical expense and other benefits modified.
HF464 (Sertich) School employee statewide health insurance plan established, and money appropriated.

HF991 (Thissen) and HF1571 (Lesch) have been removed from the agenda.
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