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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Energy Finance and Policy Division

Thirty-Seventh Meeting

2007-2008 Regular Session - Monday, March 10, 2008

State of Minnesota Thirty-Seventh Meeting
House of Representatives Eighty-Fifth Session

Energy Finance and Policy Division


Representative Bill Hilty, Chair, called the thirty-seventh meeting to order at 2:28 PM on March 10, 2008 in Room 200 of the State office Building.

The Clerk noted the roll.

Members present:

Hilty, Bill
Ruud, Maria
Westrom, Torrey
Beard, Michael
Bly, David
Brynaert, Kathy
Gardner, Paul
Gunther, Bob
Hackbarth, Tom
Hoppe, Joe
Johnson, Sheldon
Kalin, Jeremy
Knuth, Kate
Magnus, Doug
Nornes, Bud
Ozment, Dennis
Peterson, Aaron
Sailer, Brita
Slocum, Linda
Wagenius, Jean
Welti, Andy

A quorum was present.

Rep. Brynaert moved approval of the minutes of Monday March 5. THE MOTION PREVAILED. The minutes were adopted with the following correction:

Time of adjournment was 3:58 PM.

2:30 PM - HF3401 (Hilty) Energy usage performance standards provided for development and application.

Rep. Hilty moved that HF3401 be recommended to pass and be returned to the Committee on Finance

Rep. Hilty moved the H3401DE4 amendment.

Bob Eleff, House research, explained the DE4 amendment.

Rep. Hilty incorporated the following oral amendment

Page 1, line 18 delete the word "complete".

Rep. Hilty renewed his motion that HF3401 as amended be recommended to pass and be returned to the Committee on Finance. The motion prevailed. The bill was passed as amended.

HF3729 (Hilty) Legislative Energy Commission established, and Legislative Electric Energy Task Force abolished.

Rep. Hilty moved that HF3729 be recommended to pass and be referred to the Committee on Government Operations, Reform, Technology, and Elections.

Rep. Hilty moved the following oral amendment:

Page 1, line 11, insert "six" in the blank.
Page 1, line 12, insert "four" in the blank.
Page 1, line 14, insert “six" in the blank.
Page 1, line 15, insert “four" in the blank.
Page 2, line 31, insert “250,000" in the blank after the $.

The motion prevailed the amendment was adopted.

Rep. Hilty renewed his motion that HF3729 as amended be recommended to pass and be referred to the Committee on Government Operations, Reform, Technology, and Elections. The motion prevailed the bill was passed as amended.

2:54 PM - HF3540 (Gardner) Solid waste recovery and recycling standards provided, greenhouse gas offset project eligibility established, exemptions provided, studies and ordinances required, goals set, charges regulated, task force established and money appropriated.

Rep. Gardner moved that HF3540 be recommended to pass and placed on the General Register.

Rep. Gardner moved the H3540A2 amendment. The motion prevailed. The Amendment was adopted.

Rep. Gardner explained the bill.

3:21 PM - Testifying in favor of the bill:

Ryan O'Gara, Carl Bolander & Sons, 251 Starkey St., St. Paul, MN 55407, 612-366-4521.

Rep. Gardner moved the following oral amendment:

Page 5, delete lines 17-32.
Page 6, delete lines 1-3.

The motion prevailed. The amendment was adopted.

Testifying against the bill:

Nancy Hylden, Yellow Pages Association, Connell Corporate Park, 200 Connell Dr., Ste. 1700, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922-2747. 612-766-6923

Tim Lovaasen, Communications Workers of America, Minnesota State Council, 3521 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, MN 55406.

Rep. Gardner revised his motion that HF3540 as amended be recommended to pass and be re-referred to Finance with a recommended re-referral to the Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division. The motion prevailed. The bill was passed as amended.

3:37 PM - HF3857 (Sailer) Solar energy project conservation improvement
expenditures allowed by utilities.

Rep. Sailer moved that HF3857 be recommended to be laid over until the next meeting pending amendments.

Rep. Sailer explained the bill.

Testifying in favor of the bill:

Carl Nelson, Associate Director, Green Institute, 2801 21st Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407. 612-278-7117.

Rep. Sailer moved the H3857DE1 amendment (originally handed out as the HF3857-Sailer Amendment).

Rep. Sailer incorporated the following oral amendment to the DE1 Amendment:

To make the language consistent with a Delete Everything Amendment format:

Page 1, top, insert “Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:"
Page 1, line 1, before “Minnesota Statutes", insert “Section 1."
Page 2, last paragraph, delete “(c) " and insert “(e)"
Page 3, first paragraph, delete “(d)" and insert “(f)"
Page 3, second paragraph, delete “(e)" and insert “(g)"
Page 3, third paragraph, delete “(f)" and insert “(h)"
Last page, last line: “Effective date: Sections 1 to 3 are effective the day following final enactment."

Rep. Sailer moved the DE1 amendment. The motion prevailed. The amendment was adopted.

Testifying in favor of the bill.

Mike Bull, Assistant Director, Office of Energy Security.

Rep. Sailer revised her motion that HF3857 as amended to be recommended to pass and referred to the General Register. The motion prevailed. The bill was passed as amended.

4:30 PM - The meeting was adjourned.

Representative Bill Hilty, Chair

Committee Legislative Assistant
More Info On This Meeting..

HF3401 (Hilty) Energy usage performance standards provided for development and application.
HF3729 (Hilty) Legislative Energy Commission established, and Legislative Electric Energy Task Force abolished.
HF3540 (Gardner) Solid waste recovery and recycling standards provided, greenhouse gas offset project eligibility established, exemptions provided, studies and ordinances required, goals set, charges regulated, task force established and money appropriated.
HF3857 (Sailer) Solar energy project conservation improvement expenditures allowed by utilities.

HF3843 (Brynaert) and HF3580 (Brown) have been removed from the agenda.