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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division


2007-2008 Regular Session - Tuesday, February 19, 2008




Chair Wagenius called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. on February 19th, 2008, in Room 10 of the State Office Building.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members present:

Wagenius, Jean (Chair)
Anzelc, Tom
Clark, Karen
Dill, David
Doty, Al
Eken, Kent
Gardner, Paul
Hackbarth, Tom
Hansen, Rick
Hoppe, Joe
Knuth, Kate
Magnus, Doug
McNamara, Denny
Moe, Frank
Ozment, Dennis
Peterson, Aaron
Scalze, Bev
Tingelstad, Kathy

A quorum was present.

Representative Gardner reported on recent activities in the Drinking Water Source Protection Subcommittee.

HF2677 Fritz, Faribault water reclamation facility construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Chair Wagenius moved the bill.

Representative Fritz presented the bill.

Chair Wagenius moved an oral amendment as follows: line 1.9, replace "Pollution Control Agency" with "Public Facilities Authority". THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT IS ADOPTED.

Chair Wagenius moved that HF2677 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance committee with a recommendation for re-referral to Higher Ed and Workforce Development. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND HF2677 AS AMENDED IS RE-REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE.

HF883 Marquart, Red River basin digital elevation model funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Chair Wagenius moved the bill.

Representative Marquart presented the bill.

Chair Wagenius moved the following oral amendment: delete lines 1.9 through 1.13, or Subd. 2 in its entirety. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT IS ADOPTED.

Charles Fritz, Director, International Water Institute, testified in support of the bill.

Ronald Osowski, Marshall County farmer, testified in support.

The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the committee's omnibus bonding bill.

HF2690 Laine, Fridley Springbrook Nature Center redevelopment funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Chair Wagenius moved the bill.

Chair Wagenius moved the H2690DE2 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT IS ADOPTED.

Representative Laine presented her bill as amended.

Scott Lund, Mayor of Fridley, testified in support.

Malcolm Mitchell, Chair, Springbrook Nature Center Foundation, testified in support.

Siah St. Clair, Director, Springbrook Nature Center, testified in support.

The bill was laid over.

HF2905 Anzelc, George Washington State Forest; Kabetogama State Forest; Bridge replacement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Representative Anzelc moved and presented his bill.

The bill was laid over.

HF2641 Anzelc, Canisteo Mine Outflow Project funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.

Representative Anzelc moved his bill.

Representative Anzelc moved an oral amendment as follows: lines 1.6 and 1.14, where there is a blank appropriation, insert "$3,500,000"; delete "siphons" from line 1.7. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT IS ADOPTED.

Representative Anzelc presented his bill as amended.

HF2909 Anzelc, Itasca County; Balsam Lake dam repair funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Representative Anzelc moved and presented his bill.

Kent Lokkesmoe, Director, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Division of Waters, testified on the bill.

The bill was laid over.

HF2440 Hausman, Minnesota State Fair; fish habitat educational display funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Chair Wagenius moved the bill.

Representative Hausman presented the bill.

Dirk Peterson, DNR Central Region Fisheries Manager, testified on the bill.

Jenifer Matthees, DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife Education/MinnAqua Coordinator

The bill was laid over.

HF2761 Hausman, State museum of natural history funding provided, bonds issued and money appropriated.

Chair Wagenius moved Sec. 2 for possible inclusion in the omnibus bonding bill.

Representative Hausman presented Sec. 2 of the bill.

Joe Kurcinka, DNR Regional Director, testified on Sec. 2.

Sec. 2 of HF2761 was laid over.

HF2574 Hamilton, Windom Dam renovation or removal funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Chair Wagenius moved the bill.

Representative Hamilton presented the bill.

Steve Nasby, City of Windom Administrator, testified in support of the bill.

The bill was laid over.

HF2607 Olin, Roseau east diversion flood control project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Chair Wagenius moved the bill.

Chair Wagenius moved the H2607A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT IS ADOPTED.

Representative Olin presented his bill as amended.

The bill was laid over.

HF2482 Lanning, Buffalo-Red River Watershed District flood hazard mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Chair Wagenius moved the bill.

Representative Lanning presented the bill.

Greg Anderson, Oakport Town Board Chair, testified in support.

Bruce Albright, Buffalo-Red River Watershed District Manager, testified in support.

The bill was laid over.

HF2888 Dean, Stillwater; Flood control funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Chair Wagenius moved the bill.

Representative Dean presented the bill.

Ken Harycki, Mayor of Stillwater, testified in support.

Kent Lokkesmoe, Director, DNR Division of Waters, testified on the bill.

The bill was laid over.

HF2889 Davnie, Minneapolis; Minnehaha Creek Watershed District funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Chair Wagenius moved the bill.

Representative Davnie presented the bill.

Mike Wyatt, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, testified in support.

Andy Lesch, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, testified in support.

The bill was laid over.

HF2958 Erickson, Morrison County; Sullivan Lake Dam replacement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Chair Wagenius moved the bill.

Representative Erickson presented the bill.

Roger Taosen, President, Lake Sullivan Association, testified in support.

Kent Lokkesmoe, Director, DNR Division of Waters, testified on the bill.

Dan Miller, Chairman, Platte River Watershed Coalition, testified in support.

The bill was laid over.

HF3039 Loeffler, Minneapolis; Father Hennepin Regional Park improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Chair Wagenius moved the bill.

Representative Loeffler presented the bill.

Nick Eoloff, Minneapolis Park Board Project Manager, testified in support.

The bill was laid over.

Vice Chair Doty took the gavel at 7:46 P.M.

HF3046 Brod, Le Sueur County; Lake Washington Park capital improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Chair Doty moved the bill.

Representative Brod presented the bill.

The bill was laid over.

HF3052 Emmer, Rockford flood hazard mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Chair Doty moved the bill.

Representative Brod presented the bill.

Michael Beyer, Mayor of Rockford, testified in support.

Chair Wagenius took the gavel at 7:54 P.M.

Kent Lokkesmoe, Director, DNR Division of Waters, testified on HF3052.

HF3052 was laid over.

HF3053 McNamara, Vermilion Highlands Wildlife Management Area land acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Representative McNamara moved and presented his bill.

Nancy Schonweiler, Dakota County Commissioner, testified in support.

Al Singer, Dakota County FWAP Program Supervisor, testified in support.

The bill was laid over.

HF3069 Dill, St. Louis County; Pike river dam engineering and repair funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Representative Dill moved and presented his bill.

The bill was laid over.

HF3227 Anzelc, Private forest land easement acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Representative Anzelc moved and presented his bill.

The bill was laid over.

HF3062 Scalze, Outdoor traditions investment funding provided for environment and natural resources purposes, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Representative Scalze presented her bill.

Gary Botzek of Minnesota Conservation Federation and Audubon Society, testified in support.

Paul Aasen, Advocacy Director, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, testified in support.

The bill was laid over.

HF2299 Demmer, Lake Zumbro restoration funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Representative Hackbarth moved and presented the bill.

Dean Albert, Chair, Lake Zumbro Restoration Committee, testified in support.

Sheldon King, President, Lake Zumbro Improvement Association, testified in support.

The bill was laid over.

HF2731, Committee Engrossment

Representative Hansen, Chair of the Watersheds, Wetlands, and Buffers Subcommittee, moved the committee report.

The bill was laid over.

The meeting adjourned at 8:38 P.M.

Jean Wagenius, Chair

Melissa Hysing, Committee Legislative Assistant
More Info On This Meeting..

HF592 (Loeffler) Diseased shade trees removal and replacement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF875 (Slocum) Fort Snelling Upper Bliff emergency building stabilization funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2642 (Anzelc) Itasca County; Steel mill funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
HF2704 (Dill) Vermilion Highlands Wildlife Management Area shooting sports facilities funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1536 (Hansen) Mississippi River barrier construction provided to prevent aquatic invasive species from migrating up river, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2818 (Johnson) Battle Creek Winter Recreation Area snowmaking system funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2756 (McFarlane) Tamarack Nature Center- Destination for Discovery bonds issued and money appropriated.
HF1690 (Clark) Minneapolis; East Phillips Cultural and Community Center improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2841 (Nornes) Aquatic habitat acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
More Info On This Meeting..

HF883 (Marquart) Red River basin digital elevation model funding provided,
bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2690 (Laine) Fridley Springbrook Nature Center redevelopment funding
provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2905 (Anzelc) Authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating
money for forest bridge replacement.
HF2641 (Anzelc) A bill for an act relating to capital improvements;
appropriating money for the Canisteo Mine Outflow Project; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
H2909 (Anzelc) authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and
buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the
issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for dam repair on Balsam Lake in Itasca County.
HF2677 (Fritz) Faribault water reclamation facility construction funding
provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2440 (Hausman) Minnesota State Fair; fish habitat educational display
funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HFXXXX (Hausman) bonding for the Bell Museum landscaping
HF2299 (Demmer) Lake Zumbro restoration funding provided, bonds issued,
and money appropriated.
HF2607 (Olin) Roseau east diversion flood control project funding provided,
bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2482 (Lanning) Buffalo-Red River Watershed District flood hazard
mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF407 (Dean) St. Croix River in Stillwater flood control levee project
provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2888 (Dean) Stillwater; Flood control funding provided, bonds issued, and
money appropriated.
HF2574 (Hamilton) A bill for an act relating to capital improvements;
appropriating money for the Windom Dam; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds..
HF2889 (Davnie) Appropriating money for repair, restoration, and shoreline
stabilization of the glen area of Minnehaha Creek in the city of Minneapolis; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
HF2598 (Erickson) appropriating money for the Sullivan Lake Dam;
authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
HF3039 (Loeffler) Minneapolis; Father Hennepin Regional Park
improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3046 (Brod) Le Sueur County; Lake Washington Park capital
improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3052 (Emmer) Rockford flood hazard mitigation funding provided, bonds
issued, and money appropriated.
HF3053 (McNamera) Vermilion Highlands Wildlife Management Area land
acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3069 (Dill) St. Louis County; Pike river dam engineering and repair funding
HF2731 (Hansen) Water and Soil Resources board statewide projects funding
provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HFXXXX (Anzelc) bonding for easement acquisition on private forest lands
Drinking Water Source Protection Subcommittee Report (Gardner)
HF3062 (Scalze) Outdoor traditions investment funding provided for
environment and natural resources purposes, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

HF2712 (Kalin), HF2806 (Brown), HF2957 (Wagenius), HF3005 (Gardner) have been removed.