Minnesota Heritage Finance Committee
Representative Mike Jaros, Chair of the Minnesota Heritage Finance Committee, called the meeting to order at 2:10PM. On May 9, 2007, in Room 10 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
Jaros (Chair) Sailer
Gardner (Vice-Chair) Johnson
Urdahl Laine
Anderson Madore
Bly Nornes
Members excused:
A quorum was present.
Chair Jaros moved HF 2285 be passed and re-referred to the Finance Committee.
HF 2285-Representative Sertich
Natural resource and cultural heritage dedicated funding provided through increased sales tax revenue, funds established, Natural Heritage Enhancement Council created and constitutional amendment proposed
Chair Jaros moved the
H2285A7 amendment (see attached). THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Bly moved the
HDA-302 amendment (see attached). THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Anderson moved the
H2285A5 amendment (see attached). THE MOTION WAS DEFEATED.
Representative Anderson moved the
A07-0955 amendment (see attached). Roll call requested.
Roll Call:
Jaros Nay
Gardner Nay
Urdahl Aye
Anderson Aye
Bly Nay
Dean Absent
Eken Absent
Johnson Nay
Kahn Absent
Laine Nay
Madore Nay
Nornes Aye
Peterson Absent
Sailer Nay
Being 7 Nays and 3 Ayes the MOTION IS DEFEATED.
Representative Anderson moved the
A07-0954 amendment (see attached). Roll call requested.
Roll Call:
Jaros Nay
Gardner Nay
Urdahl Nay
Anderson Aye
Bly Nay
Dean Absent
Eken Nay
Johnson Nay
Kahn Absent
Laine Nay
Madore Nay
Nornes Aye
Peterson Absent
Sailer Nay
Being 9 Nays and 2 Ayes the MOTION DOES NOT PREVAIL.
Representative Urdahl moved the
H2285A3 amendment (see attached). Roll call requested.
Roll Call:
Jaros Nay
Gardner Nay
Urdahl Aye
Anderson Aye
Bly Nay
Dean Absent
Eken Nay
Johnson Nay
Kahn Absent
Laine Nay
Madore Nay
Nornes Aye
Peterson Absent
Sailer Nay
Being 8 Nays and 3 Ayes the MOTION DOES NOT PREVAIL.
The following people provided testimony on the bill:
Larry Redman, Minnesota Citizens for the Arts
Thomas Proehl, Executive Director of the Minnesota Arts Board
Bill Struzinski, Minnesota Public Television
Jennifer Johnson, Minnesota Public Radio
Barry Tilley, AMPERS
David Kelliher, Minnesota Historical Society
Stanley Romanstein, Humanities Commission
Chair Jaros renewed his motion that HF 2285 be passed as amended and re-referred to the Finance Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Madore moved that the minutes from March 26, 2007 be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:32 PM
Representative Mike Jaros, CHAIR
Diogo Reis
Committee Legislative Assistant