Representative Abeler, Chair of the Health and Human Services Finance Committee, called the meeting to order at 10:21 A.M. on March 29, 2012, in Room 10 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
ABELER, Jim, Chair
KIFFMEYER, Mary, Vice Chair
FRITZ, Patti
HOSCH, Larry
LAINE, Carolyn
MACK, Tara
SLAWIK, NoraTwo members were excused.
Chair Abeler called the meeting to order at 10:21 A.M.
A quorum was not present.
Chair Abeler called the meeting to order at 10:23 A.M.
A quorum was present.
HF2340 (Holberg) Abortion facility licensure required.
Chair Abeler moved that HF2340 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Ways and Means Committee.
Representative Holberg testified on HF2340.
Chair Abeler moved the
H2340DE3 amendment.
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the H2340DE3 amendment into HF2340. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler renewed his motion that HF2340 be recommended to pass, as amended, and re-referred to the Ways and Means Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1191 (Abeler) Social worker licensure provisions modified.
Chair Abeler moved that HF1191 be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register.
Chair Abeler moved the
H1191A1 amendment.
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the H1191A1 amendment into HF1191. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler renewed his motion that HF1191 be recommended to pass, as amended, and sent to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF462 (Norton) Nurse Licensure Compact and appointments provided.
Chair Abeler moved that HF462 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Ways and Means Committee.
Vice Chair Kiffmeyer assumed the gavel at 10:34 A.M.
Chair Abeler assumed the gavel at 10:35 A.M.
Representative Norton, Judith Santiago, RN, MN Organization for Leaders in Nursing, Tara Erickson, Minnesota Licensed Practical Nurses Association and the Minnesota LPN Alliance, MarieClaire Englad, MNA, MN Board of Nursing, Sharon Prinsen, RN, MS, Mayo Clinic, Shannon Cunningham, MN Nurses Association, and Carrie Mortrud, MN Nurses Association, testified on HF462.
Chair Abeler renewed his motion that HF462 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Ways and Means Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF2555 (Kiffmeyer) Sunset review changes implemented; agency requirements changed; posting required for felony or gross misdemeanor and malpractice settlements or judgments for a regulated practitioner; regulated practitioner information required; fund transfer prohibited; fees set, Combative Sports Commission abolished and duties transferred, Combative Sports Advisory Council established; and Minnesota Board of Medical Practice review required.
Vice Chair Kiffmeyer moved that HF2555 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Ways and Means Committee.
Vice Chair Kiffmeyer moved the
H2555A23 amendment
Vice Chair Kiffmeyer moved to orally amend the H2555A23 amendment as follows:
Page 7, Line 7.1, delete "all applicants" and insert "each applicant for initial licensure or other credential prior to granting a credential to practice"
Page 7, Line 7.14, after the period, insert "The plan will include recommendations for any necessary statutory changes and shall seek to minimize duplication of requirements for background studies."
Page 7, Delete subdivision 1 (Lines 7.27-8.3)
Page 9, Delete subdivision 11 (Lines 9.35-10.8)
Page 10, Line 10.13, delete everything after the word "health"
Page 10, Delete Line 10.14
Vice Chair Kiffmeyer incorporated the oral amendment into H2555A23.
Vice Chair Kiffmeyer moved to incorporate the H2555A23 amendment, as amended, into HF2555. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Dr. Larry Spicer, Executive Director, MN Board of Chiropractic Examiners, testified on HF2555.
Vice Chair Kiffmeyer moved to orally amend HF2555 as follows:
Page 11, Line 11.26, after "1" insert "two"
Page 11, Line 11.27, after "2" insert "two"
Page 11, Line 11.28, after "3" insert "two"
Page 11, Line 11.28, after "educators" insert "one"
Page 11, Line 11.28, after "and" insert "one from"
Page 11, Line 11.32, after "5" insert "two"
Page 11, Line 11.33, after "6" insert "two"
Vice Chair Kiffmeyer incorporated the oral amendment into HF2555.
Chair Abeler moved the
H2555A15 amendment.
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the H2555A15 amendment into HF2555. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler moved the
H2555A21 amendment.
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the H2555A21 amendment into HF2555. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler moved the
H2555A16 amendment.
Chair Abeler moved to orally amend the H2555A16 amendment as follows:
Page 6, Delete Section 4
Page 8, Delete Section 7
Page 9, Delete Section 9
Chair Abeler incorporated the oral amendment into H2555A16.
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the H2555A16 amendment, as amended, into HF2555. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Vice Chair Kiffmeyer renewed her motion that HF2555 be recommended to pass, as amended, and re-referred to the Ways and Means Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative McDonald assumed the gavel at 11:11 A.M.
HF2456 (Abeler) Continuing care policy provisions amended, disability services and licensing provision changes made, home and community-based service standards established, and payment methodologies established.
Chair Abeler moved that HF2456 be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register.
Chair Abeler moved the
H2456A8 amendment.
Chair Abeler moved to orally amend HF2456 as follows:
Page 1, Delete Lines 1.17-1.19
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the oral amendment into HF2456. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the H2456A8 amendment into HF2456. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler moved the
H2456A7 amendment.
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the H2456A7 amendment into HF2456. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler, Alex Bartolic, DHS, Kevin Goodno, Minnesota Habilitation Coalition, and Bruce Nelson, ARRM, testified on HF2456.
Chair Abeler renewed his motion that HF2456 be recommended to pass, as amended, and sent to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Lanning moved that the minutes from the committee meeting on March 28th, 2012, be approved. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler assumed the gavel at 11:30 A.M.
SF1675/HF1967 (Abeler) Children and family services provisions modified, child safety and permanency reform provided including adoptions under guardianship of the commissioner, statutory provisions modified related to child support, child care provisions modified, fees modified, MFIP provisions modified, criminal penalties provided, and technical changes made.
Chair Abeler moved that HF1967 be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register.
Chair Abeler withdrew his motion that HF1967 be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register.
Chair Abeler moved that SF1675 be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register.
Chair Abeler moved to amend SF1675 with the language in HF1967. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler moved the
S1675A8 amendment.
Representative Slawik moved to orally amend the S1675A8 amendment as follows:
Page 67, Line 31, after "and" insert "estimated"
Chair Abeler incorporated the oral amendment into the S1675A8 amendment.
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the S1675A8 amendment, as amended, into SF1675. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler moved the
S1675A2 amendment.
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the S1675A2 amendment into SF1675. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler moved the
S1675A3 amendment.
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the S1675A3 amendment into SF1675. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler moved to orally amend SF1675 as follows:
Page 84-88, Delete Article 4, Section 1
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the oral amendment into SF1675. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler moved the
S1675A7 amendment.
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the S1675A7 amendment into SF1675. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler moved to orally amend SF1675 as follows:
Page 12, Delete Section 15
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the oral amendment into SF1675. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler moved to orally amend SF1675 as follows:
Add the language from HF2456, as amended, to SF1675.
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the oral amendment into SF1675. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Anne Martineau, Legislative Liaison, Children and Family Services, DHS, testified on SF1675.
Chair Abeler moved to orally amend SF1675 as follows:
Page 84-88, Reinstate Article 4, Section 1
Page 92-93, Delete Article 4, Section 8 (page 92.15-93.11)
Chair Abeler moved to incorporate the oral amendment into SF1675. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Abeler renewed his motion that SF1675 be recommended to pass, as amended, and sent to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:51 A.M.
Andy Leer
Committee Legislative Assistant