Co-Chair Dave Pinto will have the gavel
HF 1936 (Johnson, P) Minnesota Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs funding provided, and money appropriated
Bryan Donaldson, Exec. Director of the MN Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs
Chandra Jackson, Club Director of Jerry Gamble Boys & Girls Club
Kengcha Xiong, Boys & Girls Clubs alumni member
HF 849 (Kozlowski) Duluth Promise initiative funding provided, and money appropriated.
John Magas, Superintendent of Duluth Public Schools
Dr. Barbara McDonald, President of the College of St. Scholastica
Charles Nies, PhD., Chancellor of the University of Minnesota Duluth
HF 989 (Hollins) 30,000 Feet funding provided, and money appropriated
Vanessa Young, Co-Founder of 30,000 Feet
Michael Maceda, 30,000 Feet Student
HF 1130 (Coulter) Bloomington; workforce development efforts funding provided, and money appropriated
Kim Berggren, Community Development Director
Warsan Artan, Bloom Program Facilitator
HF 1223 (Frazier) Big Brothers Big Sisters funding provided for youth programming, and money appropriated.
Pat Sukhum, CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters
Princess Awa-Ada Kisob, VP of Programs, Big Brothers Big Sisters
HF 1907 (Frazier) Youthprise funding provided, and money appropriated
Kristy Snyder, Policy and System Transformation Officer, Youthprise
Caitlin Cole, Director of Career and College Readiness, Achieve Twin Cities
Sharif Hared, Executive Director, Somali Community Resettlement Services
HF 1847 (Bakeberg) STEM Ecosystem grant provided, and money appropriated.
Emily Saed, Executive Director, Stem Ecosystem
Heidi Jedlicka Halvarson, Medtronic
Jason Bruns, Minn State
Colton Mehlhoff, Stratasys
HF 1957 (Elkins) Minnesota Technology Association grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
Jeff Tollefson, MN Tech Association
Andrew Thomas, Service Desk Analyst, Superior Managed IT
Testimony and Materials should be submitted to Travis Reese at by 1pm on Wednesday, March 19