Three bills on the agenda to be heard.
I Call to order
II Approval of Minutes from Monday 2/17/25
IV. Bills Heard:
• HF 269 (Koznick) Commissioner of transportation and the Metropolitan Council required to request approval to discontinue Northstar passenger rail operations, and report required.
• HF 749 (Koznick) Northstar Commuter Rail line performance requirements and conditional termination established.
• HF795 (Myers) Online booking availability of driver's license road skills examinations modified, and fees for cancellation modified.
III. Adjournment
Note: If you would like to testify on these bills, please contact Committee Legislative Assistant Cyndy Wallin by 3pm on Friday 02/21/25. Phone: 651-297-5723 Email: . Testimony will be limited to 2 minutes maximum per testifier. Also no more than one testifier per organization. Any handouts or letters should be emailed to the committee legislative assistant by 3 pm on Friday 02/21/25.
2 bills will be heard:
I Call to order
II Approval of Minutes from Monday 2/24/25
IV. Bills Heard:
• HF 376 (Murphy) Clean Car Rules Repealed
• HF 367 (Murphy) Action for damages for highway obstruction authorized, and civil penalties imposed.
III. Adjournment
Next Meeting: Monday March 03, 2025
Note: If you would like to testify on these bills, please contact Committee Legislative Assistant Cyndy Wallin by 3pm on Tuesday 2/25/25. Phone: 651-297-5723 Email: . Testimony will be limited to 2 minutes maximum per testifier. Also no more than one testifier per organization. The Chair may limit the testimony to no more than 15 minutes per side on each bill. Any handouts or letters should be emailed to the committee legislative assistant by 3 pm on Tuesday 2/25/25. The Chair can determine the order the bills will be heard in.