Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Chair Thomas Huntley called to order the thirty-ninth meeting of the Health Care and Human Services Finance Committee at 10:23 a.m. in Room 200 of the State Office Building on Tuesday, March 4, 2014. A quorum was present. The committee legislative assistant noted the roll:
Members Present:
Rep. Thomas Huntley, Chair
Rep. Kim Norton, Vice Chair
Rep. Jim Abeler
Rep. Susan Allen
Rep. Matt Dean
Rep. Peter Fischer
Rep. Patti Fritz
Rep. Glenn Gruenhagen
Rep. Laurie Halverson
Rep. Melissa Hortman
Rep. Carolyn Laine
Rep. Tina Liebling
Rep. Diane Loeffler
Rep. Tara Mack
Rep. Joe McDonald
Rep. Rena Moran
Rep. Jerry Newton
Rep. Duane Quam
Rep. Joe Schomacker
Rep. Nick Zerwas
S.F. 1272, the 3rd Engrossment (Clark) - Healthy housing grant program establishment and appropriation
Chair Huntley moved the bill before the committee and further moved adoption of the S1272DE2 amendment. Representative Clark explained her bill, as amended. Testifying on the bill were:
Zack Hansen, Local Public Health Association
Jude Deming, Housing Manager, Heartland Community Action, Willmar
Jean Lee, President and Executive Director, Children’s Hope International
Chair Huntley renewed his motion to adopt the
S1272DE2 amendment. The motion prevailed.
Representative Liebling had particular concerns regarding mold and testimony occurred:
Jim Koppel, Deputy Commissioner, MN Department of Health
Dale Dorschner, MN Department of Health (Department of Environmental Health)
Following more discussion, S.F. 1272, the 3rd Engrossment, was laid over for possible inclusion in the Health and Human Services Omnibus bill, as amended.
March 4, 2014
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H.F. 1897 (Liebling) - State Quality Council and regional quality council requirements modified, and money appropriated.
Chair Huntley moved the bill before the committee for consideration. Testifying on the bill were:
Steve Larson, The ARC MN, Co-chair, State Quality Council
Kurt Rutzen, The ARC MN, Co-chair, State Quality Council
Cindy Ostrowski, Olmsted County Social Worker, Hiawatha Homes, Rochester
LeAnn Breber, Olmsted County
Following discussion, Chair Huntley laid the bill over for possible inclusion in the Health and Human Services Omnibus bill.
H.F. 1733 - (Loeffler) - Poison information centers funding provided, and money appropriated.
Representative Loeffler moved H.F. 1733 before the committee for consideration and further moved adoption of the
H1733 DE1 amendment, incorporating the following oral amendment:
Line 1.13, before “poison control” insert “in conducting”
The motion prevailed. The H1733 DE1 amendment was adopted, as amended. Testifying was:
Debbie Anderson, Hennepin County Medical Center Poison Center
Chair Huntley laid the bill over for possible inclusion in the Health and Human Services Omnibus bill, as amended.
H.F. 1738 (Moran) - Dementia outreach pilot program for communities of color and other under-represented minority groups established, funding provided, and money appropriated for health outreach grants and specific education activities.
Representative Moran moved the bill before the committee for consideration. Testifying were:
Paula Hart, President and CEO, Volunteers of America
Dorothea Harris, Volunteers of America, licensed social worker
Deborah Richman, Volunteers of America; Alzheimer’s Association
Following discussion, Chair Huntley laid the bill over for possible inclusion in the Health and Human Services Finance Omnibus bill.
Additional testimony followed on H.F. 1738 from Ellen Johnson of Volunteers of America, who started a support group called Lill’s Angels in memory of her mother who had Alzheimer’s disease.
Representative Quam moved approval of the February 27, 2014, minutes. The motion prevailed.
The Chair adjourned the meeting at 11:34 a.m.
Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Jan Horner, Committee Legislative Assistant