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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Joe McDonald (R)

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Back at work in St. Paul

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dear Neighbor,



We officially are back at work in St. Paul after Tuesday’s swearing-in ceremony in the House of Representatives. It is an honor and a privilege to represent the people of District 29A in this, the 89th Legislature.



Committees will begin meeting in earnest next week. As I mentioned in a previous letter, my assignments include Taxes; Property Tax & Local Government Finance Division; Higher Education Policy & Finance; and Health and Human Services Finance.



I am serving as vice chairman of HHS Finance, putting me up close to a key portion of our state budget as we craft a new two-year spending plan. We can dig deeper into these and other legislative issues in upcoming letters but, for now, I just wanted to let you know we are off and running at the Capitol.



Please stay in touch – my office is now 503 in the State Office Building – and please call (651) 296-4336 to set up an appointment to meet with me if you plan to visit the Capitol. You also can email me at


I am eager to continue advocating for the things that are important to people in our district, so please let me know where you stand on the issues.



