Dear Neighbors,
This week, we heard news that Democrats in the House and Senate would be introducing legislation “to transform Minnesota’s clean energy permitting process, removing roadblocks to reaching the state’s ambitious goal of reaching 100% carbon-free energy by 2040.”
When I heard the news, I couldn’t believe it—were Democrats finally admitting that the state’s regulatory and permitting processes are negatively impacting business growth and expansion in Minnesota?
Unfortunately, these proposals are geared specifically toward their friends in the “green” energy sector.
The state of Minnesota should not be picking winners and losers, and if Democrats have identified permitting reforms that are needed to help out the wind and solar industries, then we should be doing the same for all of Minnesota’s businesses and industries.
Our current permitting process puts Minnesota at a significant disadvantage compared to our neighbors which is why we continue to lag behind other Midwest states in new and expansion projects.
For example, it takes on average 673 days to issue an air permit in Minnesota. The same permit takes only 77 days in Illinois or 119 days in Wisconsin to be issued.
House Republicans stand ready to work on a bipartisan basis to ensure our permitting process is no longer a barrier to job growth.
As the Republican-lead on the Environment and Natural Resource Committee, I joined Rep. Chris Swedzinski at a news conference discussing the need for permitting reform. You can watch that here.
On Tuesday, the House Children and Families Committee debated legislation that would establish a universal basic income program in Minnesota.
More specifically, the bill would allocate $100 million across the state in the form of no less than $500 monthly cash payments to qualifying low-income Minnesotans — including illegal immigrants.
This proposal, in addition to the sanctuary state bill, would turn Minnesota into a magnet for illegal immigration. We have also seen Democrats seek to give undocumented immigrants drivers licenses, free health care, and free college.
Hardworking Minnesotans and their families are struggling under the weight of rising prices for everyday essentials and billions in new taxes thanks to Democrats' reckless fiscal policies. Where’s the help for them?
Few things better exemplify the twisted priorities of Democrats than this one and I will be fighting against this.
Please be sure to reach out to me to share your thoughts, concerns, and ideas. I can be reached by phone at 651-296-4333 or via email at
God bless,