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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Josh Heintzeman (R)

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Legislative Update from Rep. Josh Heintzeman

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Dear Neighbors,

The 2024 legislative session came to a close this week, bringing an end to a two-year biennium that saw Democrats in complete control of state government.

Sunday evening’s final House Floor session came to a rocky and unprecedented finish as House Democrats rolled dozens of unrelated bills into a massive 1,400 page omnibus bill, used procedural motions to shut down debate, and forced a vote just minutes before the midnight deadline.

The end of this session was unlike anything I have ever seen during my time in the legislature and should be the final nail in the coffin to what’s been a dysfunctional two years of Democrat control of state government. 

Despite having months to finish their work on time, Democrats chose dysfunction over Democracy and completely shut out the elected voice of greater Minnesota. This shameful lack of leadership will not soon be forgotten and proof that balance is needed in St. Paul now more than ever.

Remember, entering 2023, Minnesota had an $18 billion budget surplus and a tremendous opportunity to provide meaningful tax relief for Minnesota families. Instead, government spending grew 40%, taxes grew by $10 billion, and the state is facing a budget deficit beginning next year.

In addition to the economic policies that are wreaking havoc on family budgets, Democrats also approved a slew of radical policies that do not reflect the values of the majority of Minnesotans including the most radical abortion policy in the entire country.

Minnesotans deserve so much better from their state government, and I am committed to continuing to fight for our shared values and return balance to the halls of St. Paul.

Our state needs common sense now more than ever.

Staying in Touch

While the legislative session may be over, my work representing you, your family, and our communities never stops. So please do not hesitate to reach out to me to share your thoughts, questions, and concerns. I can be reached by phone at 651-296-6206 or via email at

Have a good week,
