Gavin Miller
News Release
House Republicans Celebrate Whistleblower Protections with Unanimous Passage of House File 23, While House File 3 is Tabled
ST. Paul – [ 03.14.25] – Monday, Minnesota House Republicans celebrated the passage of House File 23, which expands whistleblower protections for state employees. The bill received unanimous support, with all 133 legislators voting in favor. During the floor session, the bill was amended to replace the language of "waste and abuse" with "misuse," aligning with the language used in other bills currently under consideration, to ensure consistency across legislative efforts.
House File 3, a bill aimed at increasing transparency and accountability within state agencies, was tabled for future consideration after all House Democrats voted against it. House File 3 would have required the Legislative Auditor to submit annual reports detailing whether state agencies had implemented recommendations from audits, ensuring stronger oversight of government spending.
Republican lawmakers expressed disappointment over the lack of bipartisan support for House File 3. “While I’m grateful my Democrat colleagues have come around on the idea of enhancing whistleblower protections for government employees, this is only the beginning of our efforts to form a more efficient and transparent government for Minnesotans,” said Representative Heintzeman (R-Nisswa). “The OLA submitting progress reports would be a significant step in the right direction and it’s frustrating to see House Democrats drag their feet on this.”
Despite this setback, Republicans remain committed to fighting for stronger oversight of government spending and ensuring greater accountability in the use of taxpayer funds.