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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Josh Heintzeman (R)

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Legislative Update 3.21

Friday, March 21, 2025

Legislative Update



It’s been a while since I last provided an update, and there have been a few significant developments I’d like to share.


House File 341 – Macy’s Bill

I’m pleased to announce that House File 341, a bill that has been a long time in the making, has made significant progress in the legislative process. It has passed through the Transportation Committee and is now on the general register. HF 341 aims to enhance public safety by holding reckless drivers accountable. When you're on the road, you shouldn't have to worry about encountering a driver with multiple license suspensions in the opposite lane.


Amending the Community Grant Program

The “Community Grant Program” allocates 1.5% of the Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) to improve protections for Minnesotans living with disabilities, expand environmental stewardship education, and preserve natural resources.

However, the details of the program are still not finalized, and the lack of oversight is concerning. Without proper checks, there is a risk that the funds could be used to support questionable projects. Over the next two years, 1.5% of ENRTF amounts to around $28 million per year, with no legislative oversight on which projects are selected.

My proposed amendment offers a repurposing of these funds into various programs, including water quality grants, trail improvements, youth outdoor programs, and the original community grant program. The amendment also requires that the DNR report to the legislature by January 2026 on its plans for implementing these grants.

The primary goal of my proposal is improving legislative oversight and providing a clearer understanding of guidelines for this program. The language in the original proposal is all too vague for anybody involved to feel comfortable. When the Democrats designed this proposal, they did so unilaterally. This year we have an opportunity to contribute meaningful feedback that we believe Minnesotans would appreciate.


Returning Your Tax Dollars

On Monday this week, I was proud to vote “Yes” in support of House File 4, a constitutional amendment would establish a Minnesota Tax Relief Fund, directing any surplus tax revenue exceeding 105% of projected expenditures into the fund. These funds would then be used to provide one-time, non-taxable refunds to property and income taxpayers or to offset the cost of one-time tax reductions.

Despite the obvious benefits of this bill, it ultimately failed after all 67 Democrats voted against it. Republicans are going to continue to put the taxpayer first and put forward fiscally responsible legislation that benefits current and future Minnesotans.

Legislation like this creates important safeguards that, if passed, would prevent the state government from blowing through an $18 billion surplus.