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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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Legislative Update (Sept. 11, 2015)

Friday, September 11, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

Like many in our area, I was appalled when I first saw the allegations of harvesting and selling aborted fetal body parts by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The newest video release from the Center for Medical Progress details disturbing claims that connect our state to this potential crime. The video shows a procurement manager discussing this practice, even stating an organization known as Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc., which operates in Minnesota, is complicit in this deception.


On July 20, 64 other legislators and I sent a letter to Governor Dayton asking for an investigation into the 18 Planned Parenthood clinics in Minnesota. The governor assured us no prohibited activity was taking place and there would not be an investigation. Now, after the release of the newest video, we find our state thrown into this mess with no sign of concern from the governor’s office.


On Wednesday, I was honored to take part in a rally outside the governor’s mansion. Hundreds stood together and demanded an investigation into this matter by the governor or any agency under his power. It is encouraging to see so many others calling for action by the governor and the state. Even after having hundreds of citizens outside his home, the governor reiterated there is no need for an examination of Planned Parenthood. The video shows a clear connection to this practice and our state. Enough of a connection, certainly, to warrant an investigation.


As an advocate for life, I hope the governor or his agencies will look into this matter to ensure these organizations in our state follow the law and protect the lives of the unborn. We will not know if these groups are upholding the laws of our state and country until a formal inquiry takes place.


I think we can agree that the allegation of harvesting and selling fetal body parts is abhorrent and has no place in Minnesota. I hope the governor’s office is willing to listen to the voices of hundreds of Minnesotans who rallied outside his home on Wednesday.


As always, feel free to contact me about this or any other issue that is important to you. You can reach me at (651) 296-4282 or






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