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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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Upcoming Town Hall Schedule

Friday, October 9, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

I wanted to reach out to say thank you for the honor of being the state representative from 47A. I’m routinely humbled by this position and wanted to let you know how grateful I am to serve you. You’ve likely heard me say, “I work for you!” and I really mean it. My door is always open and my phone is always on for you; if you have a question or suggestion to better our area or Minnesota as a whole, I’d like to hear about it.   

During the interim, I’ve seen many of you around the district at the Carver County Fair, various parades, festivals, and get-togethers. It’s always great speaking with you and hearing your perspective on issues in Carver County and around our state. As we look toward the 2016 legislative session, I wanted to sit down face to face and discuss what you would like to see out of the legislature next year. I’m hosting four initial town hall meetings where you can join me and voice your opinion on any issues that concern you. Here is the current schedule, more will follow as I want to hold them in each city.  Please, see too this short video message:

November 3 at 7:00 pm: Watertown City Hall

November 24 at 7:00 pm: Cologne City Hall

December 8 at 7:00 pm: Waconia City Hall

January 13 at 6:30 pm: Mayer City Hall

Feel free to attend any of these initial four listening sessions to discuss, transportation, taxes, the Met Council, Planned Parenthood, MNsure, or any other matter related to our state government. If you cannot attend, please call or email my office and set up an appointment – in Carver County or in St. Paul – at your convenience. You can reach me at (651) 296-4282 or

Again, thank you for the opportunity to represent you at the Capitol. I work on your behalf and hope you will reach out to me if you need anything.



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