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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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Legislative Update (March 8, 2016)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Dear Neighbors,

The legislative session started today, and there’s much to accomplish over the next couple months. One of the main bills we’ll revisit this session is our transportation plan the House passed last year. This proposal invested $7 billion in roads and bridges over the next 10 years WITHOUT raising taxes. What’s not to like?

Governor Dayton and legislative Democrats sound pessimistic about passing a transportation funding plan. With such a short session, we need to focus on our areas of agreement and not use road and bridge funding as a bargaining chip. If Democrats were serious about passing a long-term solution, they could have done so with complete control of state government last biennium. I’ll push for funding our roads and bridges first and foremost, and hope legislators on the other side of the aisle will do the same.

We must repair our roads and bridges, and can do so without raising taxes on hardworking Minnesotans. Over the next 10 years, our proposal invests:

$4.03 billion for state roads

$1.44 billion for county roads

$583 million for municipal roads

$139 million for Greater Minnesota bus services

$60 million for township roads & bridges

With a $900 million surplus, we can fund our infrastructure and not impact your family’s budget.

Another important part of our proposal expands funding for the Small Cities Program. The program, which was created thanks to GOP leadership in 2015, would result in increases of $105,000 for Norwood Young America, $97,000 for New Germany, and $99,000 for Carver, among a number of other cities in the district. Our plan helps the smaller cities throughout Carver County. Many Democrats seem to legislate for just Minneapolis and St. Paul, but our small communities require assistance, too.

There’s no question our infrastructure system could use a renovation. I just hope that as we proceed through session, we can work to this end by focusing on what our state needs, not what legislative Democrats want. With session starting, please contact my office to set up an appointment to meet in St. Paul. The Capitol is under construction, but I’d be happy to schedule a meeting in the State Office Building. I’m here to listen and serve you, and hope you’ll reach out with any suggestions or ideas. Thank you for the honor of representing the people of 47A.

Have a great week,


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