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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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RELEASE: Rep. Nash Passes Bipartisan Bill in House

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

ST. PAUL, MN – On Wednesday, Rep. Jim Nash, R-Waconia, passed a bill, HF2585, by a bipartisan vote of 82-47 in the Minnesota House of Representatives.

Under current law, a municipality can utilize an interim ordinance moratorium to prohibit housing development for up to one year without warning and without giving the landowner or developer a public hearing. Rep. Nash’s bill requires the municipality to simply give 10 days’ notice and hold a hearing if the development involves housing.

“When signed into law, the legislation would protect developers, builders, realtors, and families building their dream home on a previously zoned residential lot and gives them more of a voice in this process,” said Nash. “The municipality still has authority to enact a development moratorium, but this process gives greater input to the property owner, developer, realtor, or contractor.”



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