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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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Legislative Update (May 13, 2016)

Friday, May 13, 2016

Dear Neighbors,

Monday marks one week left of my first biennium in the Minnesota House. I’m truly honored to be your voice in St. Paul, and I thank you for this opportunity. As we close out the legislative session, please continue to contact me. Recently, I’ve heard from many of you, and know that I’ll continue to advocate for road and bridge funding, middle-class tax relief, and needed reforms in our state government. Before the weekend, here’s a short update from the Capitol.

Road and Bridge Funding

The biggest goal of mine at the end of session is to provide road and bridge funding for our state. Unfortunately, the governor keeps pushing for a gas tax increase despite Minnesota’s $900 million budget surplus. A gas tax increase hurts low-income households the most, and we don’t need to raise taxes in order to fund a basic function of government.

The governor plans to release his transportation plan on Monday. If he can come forward with a plan that doesn’t include a gas tax increase, we’ll be very close to passing this funding, and providing improved roads and bridges throughout the state.

Bill Passes House

On Wednesday, I passed my bill, HF2585, with a bipartisan vote of 82-47. Under current law, a municipality can utilize an interim ordinance moratorium to prohibit housing development for up to one year without warning and without giving the landowner or developer a public hearing. My bill requires the municipality to simply give 10 days’ notice and hold a hearing if the development involves housing.

Should this bill be signed into law, the legislation would protect developers, builders, realtors, and families building their dream home on a previously zoned residential lot and, gives them more of a voice in this process. The municipality still has authority to enact a development moratorium, but this process gives greater input to the property owner, developer, realtor, or contractor. This is a victory for small business owners, and every day Minnesotans.

Sunday Liquor Sales

Yesterday, we had a vote on the House floor to allow alcohol sales on Sunday in Minnesota. I voted for the measure; the provision ultimately failed. I believe we’re moving closer to overturning this prohibition on Sunday sales.  

Gedney Pickles Event

On Monday, June 6, Gedney will host a kickoff event for the 2016 season. Gedney recently signed contracts with a number of minority farmers from around the state to grow over 700,000 pounds of cucumbers. I’m proud to be a small part of bringing a local company together with new farmers without spending government money. This is a great company doing good work in our area. Mark you calendars for a 10:30 a.m. start in Chaska, and I’ll have more details as we get closer to the event.

Please Contact Me

Recently, I was pleased to have some of my family join me in St. Paul. It’s a great opportunity to show them the legislative process, and start their interest in civic engagement.

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As I said before, thank you for continuing to reach out with questions and suggestions. I’m always here to respond to you, and hope you will contact my office if there’s any way I can be of assistance. Please call my office at (651) 296-4282 or email

Have a great weekend, and catch some big fish,


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