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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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Legislative Update (Feb. 24, 2017)

Friday, February 24, 2017

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Dear Neighbors,

Auditor Waste

Last week, State Auditor Rebecca Otto joined our committee to discuss her lawsuit against three Minnesota counties. Last year, we passed a bill to allow counties to use either a private audit firm or the state auditor to perform county audits. The idea was to let counties decide so they could save money if possible.

Governor Dayton signed this bill into law, but that wasn’t good enough for Auditor Otto. Instead, she’s using YOUR tax dollars to continue to fund this lawsuit. Even though we had a long hearing, we didn’t get many firm answers. Here’s a clip of me questioning the auditor on some of her glaring inconsistencies.

Auditor Otto wants to act as though she’s a steward of your tax dollars, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. If she did, she’d follow the law, and drop this frivolous lawsuit. What’s more, the court has already ruled the law to be constitutional. Otto is now APPEALING that decision. A law and a sound judicial ruling doesn’t seem to stop Otto wanting to light taxpayer dollars on fire.

During this same hearing, I presented a bill to restrict the funds Auditor Otto can use to fund her frivolous lawsuit. She’s already used $252,000 of YOUR taxpayer dollars, and shouldn’t be using any more.


Recently, Speaker Kurt Daudt appointed me to the Select Committee on Technology and Responsive Government. The goal of this select committee is to utilize technology to make Minnesotans’ interactions with government more streamline and consumer friendly.

There’s so many instances where residents interact with government using technology – whether it’s renewing tabs, or paying a parking ticket, or simply sending an email to an elected official. We need to look at the big picture and make this interaction as seamless as possible. I have a background in technology, and look forward to bringing that expertise to this committee as we look to streamline government and make it more consumer-friendly.

I was also appointed to the Legislative Commission on Metropolitan Government. This commission is in charge of overseeing and reviewing the actions of the Met Council. Around the Twin Cities, we see the continued disregard for taxpayers as the unelected members of the Met Council tax and spend without allowing Minnesotans any avenue for recourse. I look forward to serving on this commission, and holding these officials accountable for your tax dollars.

High School Page

This week, Gabriella Foss from Waconia High School took part in the Minnesota House of Representatives High School Page Program. This is such a great program for high school juniors to spend the week at the Capitol, assisting in committees, meeting with legislators, and helping out during floor sessions. I enjoyed visiting with Gabriella, and look forward to more students from our area taking advantage of this program.

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Please Contact Me

Please contact me to share your thoughts on this or any other issues that affect you and your family. I’m here to serve you, and hope you’ll reach out. You can schedule an appointment to visit me in my office by calling (651) 296-4282 or email me directly at

Enjoy your weekend,


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