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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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Legislative Update (April 5, 2018)

Thursday, April 5, 2018

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Dear Neighbors,

I hope you had a Happy Easter on Sunday. Our table was two kids light as my eldest sons were away. We certainly missed their company, but also enjoyed celebrating Easter with each other.

Since the legislature is on Easter and Passover break, I took the opportunity to join Mike Yeager for a tour of his business in Norwood-Young America. We spent almost two and a half hours touring the facility, meeting Mike’s employees and talking about ways to get students into the trades.

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Mike, like many other business owners, is having trouble filling skilled labor jobs in Minnesota. There’s a demand for these good-paying careers, but the trained workforce simply isn’t there. That’s why I authored a bill, HF1944, which creates a VPSEO (Vocational Postsecondary Enrollment Options) pilot program where students take part in technical apprenticeships while gaining credit toward high school graduation.

I continually hear from businesses like Mike’s that they have job openings, but not enough skilled applicants to fill them. My bill would benefit countless Minnesota students, while helping to fill the skilled labor shortage. The legislation is currently in the committee process, and we’re fine-tuning it to include a pilot program for VPSEO. I’m hopeful this bill will continue moving through the legislative process and make it to the governor’s desk this session.

We’re returning to St. Paul next week, and the finish to session will be fast-paced. During that time, I hope you’ll contact me to share your thoughts on anything we’re discussing. I’m here to serve you, and am a better legislator when I know your opinions.

Have a great weekend,


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