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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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RELEASE: Rep. Jim Nash Statement on MN Supreme Court Upholding 2015 Law

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

SAINT PAUL, MN – Rep. Jim Nash, R-Waconia, Vice-Chair of the State Government Finance Committee, issued the following statement regarding today's ruling by the Minnesota Supreme Court in the case between State Auditor Rebecca Otto and multiple Minnesota counties over the constitutionality of a provision in the 2015 State Government Finance Bill that allowed counties to contract with private CPA firms to conduct their required audits.

“The unanimous ruling by the Minnesota Supreme Court against Auditor Rebecca Otto upholds the constitutionality of the law we passed in 2015 allowing counties to use outside audit firms which saves them money,” said Nash. “Auditor Otto’s expensive, taxpayer-funded, capricious lawsuit, and continued disregard for taxpayers because of a constitutional law she simply didn’t like, has caused years of unnecessary legal action at the expense of Minnesotans. I've worked hard on this issue and I'm gratified with the resounding ruling by the Minnesota Supreme Court.”



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