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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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RELEASE: Rep. Nash Statement on Veto of Deputy Registrar Reimbursement Legislation

Saturday, May 19, 2018

SAINT PAUL, MN – On Saturday, Governor Mark Dayton announced a veto of a bill to provide $9 million of aid to deputy registrars to help offset the numerous costs incurred following the rollout of the state’s vehicle licensing system, MNLARS. The bill, HF2835, passed on wide bipartisan votes in the legislature; 101-19 in the House and 46-20 in the Senate.

“I’ve been working alongside Transportation Chair Paul Torkelson and bill author Rep. Dave Baker from the beginning to try and bring some needed relief to our hardworking deputy registrars who’ve suffered at the hands of MNLARS,” said Rep. Jim Nash, R-Waconia. “By vetoing this legislation, the governor has indicated his unwillingness to actually take responsibility for the colossal disaster that is MNLARS.”


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