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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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Happy Independence Day

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

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Dear Neighbors,

First, I’d like to say to everyone in our area, state, and country, Happy Independence Day!

The United States of America we know and love couldn’t have happened today without the actions of our brave founders and the revolutionaries who fought to make our country a reality, and for that, I’m incredibly thankful. Though there’s much that may seem to divide us, the fact we Americans live in a free, independent nation is reason for all to celebrate. Please take a minute tomorrow or this weekend to think on that, and reflect on the countless liberties and freedoms we enjoy every single day.

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Another thing I love about Independence Day is the opportunity we have to enjoy some of the fun parades, festivals, and get-togethers in our community. If you’re interested, here’s a great list of some of these events that can be fun for the entire family.

Please Contact Me

It’s been great seeing so many of you in the area, at local events, and one-on-one meetings. I can’t stress enough how important it is for me to hear your thoughts and ideas, and then bring those insights to my work at the Capitol. If you’d like to connect, please call or email my office and we will find a time.

Again, have a great Independence Day!


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