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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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Legislative Update (January 11, 2019)

Friday, January 11, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

I continue to be in awe and humbled by the responsibility you have placed in me by re-electing me to serve our great community. I am honored to serve you in St. Paul. I won’t take it for granted and hope you will continue to reach out with any way I can help you.

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Rep. Nash and son, David, on the House Floor 


Tuesday was the swearing-in ceremony for the next biennium. We weren’t able to conduct any formal business, but it was great to see old friends and meet the new members from both parties. I was thankful to be joined by my son David who was home on leave from the Navy. 

When I was a freshman I was given the advice to walk up the front stairs of the Capitol on my first day and to really soak in the grandeur of the building I was about to work in and to never take for granted the people who chose me to work on their behalf.

I walked up the main stairs again today with my son David joining me. As we walked up the stairs, I paused, looked up at the Quadriga (golden chariot) and was reminded that this is indeed an honor to be one of a handful of people who get to do this job.

I want to thank the people who sent me to be their voice in St. Paul, and my family who support me so I can do this job. It is one of the most beautiful places a person could work and I don’t take that for granted.

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Our beautiful State Capitol featuring the Quadriga 

This biennium, I will serve as the Republican lead on the House's Subcommittee on Elections. The very foundation of our Republic depends on well-functioning elections. It is incumbent upon this subcommittee to make sure our system is one citizens can trust and that performs as the framers of our Constitution intended. The challenges we face are evolving – especially in this era of data and technology – and I look forward to bringing my perspectives to the committee.

I will also serve on the Government Operations, Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance & Policy Division, and State Government Finance Division.

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Rep. Nash on the House Floor arguing for more transparency in the legislative process

Please Contact Me

We’re back in session, and we’ll be discussing countless ways to improve our state. I hope you’ll call, email, or visit to share your thoughts, ideas, or questions. As you know, I’m here to serve you and want to help in any way I can.

My office is located on the third floor of the State Office Building. If you are coming by the Capitol, please stop by or you can mail my office at the address below:

Representative Jim Nash
349 State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

Have a great weekend and stay warm,


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