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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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Legislative Update: Budget Negotiations Stall

Friday, May 10, 2019



The big finance bills that make up the state's budget have all been passed by both the House and Senate. These omnibus budget bills all have major differences; namely, the House Democrat budget looks to impose $12 billion in new taxes on Minnesotans. This includes the 70%, 20-cent-per-gallon gas tax, increased vehicle registration tax, and reinstating the sick tax. 

Negotiations between House Democrats, the governor, and Senate Republicans have hit a stalemate as Democrats have flatly refused to give up any of their $12 billion in tax increases. Senate Republicans need a willing negotiating partner and right now Democrats in Minnesota are refusing to budge on their demand for tax increases. This is all despite a billion dollar surplus — I recorded a quick video on this topic this week with my colleague Rep. Dan Fabian. Watch that by clicking here or below. 


The leadership from all sides will be in Albert Lea for the Governor's Fishing Opener so hopefully, House Democrats and Governor Walz are more willing to compromise after a weekend together in a boat. 

Back-to-School with Almanac

This week, Almanac at the Capitol aired a segment we recorded earlier this session as part of their Back-to-School segment with lawmakers. Watch my quick story below. 

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The Carver-Scott County Extension Master Gardeners can provide information on the best plants and gardening practices for Minnesota gardeners, homeowners and hobbyists to grow healthy lawns, landscapes, and gardens. The University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener Program uses research-based horticultural knowledge and practices to deliver educational outreach and project-based efforts to communities across the State. The Carver-Scott County team has over 120 accredited volunteers who provide free horticultural information to the public. 

For more information about the Carver-Scott Master Gardener program or for answers to your horticulture and gardening questions, please call the Yard & Garden Line at 952-466-5308 or visit their website here.  

Carver City Council Member & U of M extension rep Kristy Mock came to visit.
She said that residents who have questions about gardening or lawn care should reach out. 

Please Contact Me

While we are in session, we’ll be discussing countless ways to improve our state. I hope you’ll call, email, or visit to share your thoughts, ideas, or questions. As you know, I’m here to serve you and want to help in any way I can. My office is located on the third floor of the State Office Building, Office 349, and my phone number is 651-296-4282. If you are coming by the Capitol, please stop by my office! 

Have a great weekend,


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