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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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Legislative Update (Jan. 9, 2015)

Friday, January 9, 2015


It is truly an honor to have been sworn in to serve as your Representative on Tuesday, January 6th. As session continues, I hope to be able to communicate to you the important work we do in Saint Paul to make Minnesota’s future brighter.

This legislative session, we have five top priorities. They are:

Jobs: As a small business owner, I understand that we must implement policies that encourage the growth of good-paying jobs. This includes reducing permitting time so that businesses can get off the ground quickly, ensuring that students have an incentive to pursue STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers, helping our cities invest in their workforce and encouraging individual financial investments in businesses.

Education: As a father, I understand how important it is that our children receive a world-class education. We must ensure that the best teachers enter and stay in the classroom while increasing the pool of potential teachers.

Seniors: It is imperative that we protect the quality of life for aging adults by making long-term care an attractive career field and encouraging adults to make investments in long-term care well before they enter that stage of life.

Transportation: We must invest in the most cost-effective forms of transportation – roads and bridges – so that every Minnesotan can have a safe and convenient commute.

Health Care: We can start to roll back the damage done by MNsure by implementing more oversight, getting rid of the unchecked compensation plan that allows for MNsure executives to receive bonuses and bloated salaries for subpar work and require the Commerce Department to pursue a waiver that would allow for you and your family to explore a greater variety of health plans so that you may find the one best for your family.

This session, I’m honored to have the opportunity to serve on the Government Operations and Elections Policy, State Government Finance and Transportation Policy and Finance committees.

I work for you, and I look forward to hearing from you to discuss the legislation introduced this session. If you plan on coming to the Capitol, please call my Legislative Assistant at (651) 296-5999 to schedule an appointment to visit with me in my office. You can reach me via email at

Thank you for this great honor.

Rep. Jim Nash

My wife and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary on the same day as my swearing-in ceremony.

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