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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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Legislative Update (April 10, 2015)

Friday, April 10, 2015


We have returned from the Legislative Break, and I am excited to take on budgeting bills as we approach the end of this year’s legislative session.

Improving Transportation

As the snow finally melts off of our roads, many of you have reached out to me to share concerns about the condition of roads and bridges in our district and across the state. Besides the Road and Bridge Act of 2015, the ten-year, comprehensive transportation proposal I wrote about last week, we introduced
HF4 at the beginning of the session. HF4 addresses the needs of small cities not receiving MSA funds by appropriating funds from existing sources for maintenance, construction, and repair of our roadways – including pothole repair. HF4 also urges the Department of Transportation to find cost-saving efficiencies to better serve our state. These two proposals will help us better address community transportation needs, and, unlike Governor Dayton’s plan, is a larger and more stable funding source without raising the gas tax.

Remember to Take My Survey

Thank you so much to those of you that have taken my
Legislative Survey. I have gotten much positive feedback on my bills, and I am honored by the trust you have placed in me as your state representative. If you have not yet taken my survey, you can do so by clicking this link.

In Our Community

This morning, I visited my daughter Hannah’s sixth grade class. She and her classmates had great questions about our legislative process, including questions on how a bill becomes a law, what a day looks like at the Capitol, and why I chose to run for District 47A State Representative. It is such an honor to have the opportunity to speak to our local schools and hopefully spark political engagement among the young residents of our district! If you would like me to visit your classroom, please get in touch with my Legislative Assistant to schedule a time for me to stop by.

In addition to my events in the community, it is my pleasure to host community members at the Capitol. This past week, my pastor John Braland of Freshwater Community Church opened the House in prayer. He was joined by fellow pastors BJ Shelly and John Van Tassel. Thank you for visiting and representing our community so well!

Please remember to stay in touch to share your thoughts or schedule a time to visit me in St. Paul. You can reach me via phone at (651) 296-5999 or via email at

Have a great weekend,

Rep. Jim Nash

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