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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jim Nash (R)

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Thursday, April 16, 2015
ST. PAUL – State Rep. Jim Nash (R-Waconia) has passed his first bill of the 2014-2015 legislative session. HF372 amends state law to allow the issuance of a permit to carry to serve as required notification to the Commissioner of Public Safety so that the permit holder may legally carry a firearm in Capitol-area state buildings. The bill passed with broad bipartisan support.
“Thank you to my colleagues for passing this common-sense reform to protect the civil rights of law-abiding citizens,” said Nash. “Besides removing an impediment to the right of our permit holders to legally carry at the Capitol, my bill will save our state time and money for our law enforcement officials who are tasked with reviewing permits in the status quo.
One of my top priorities continues to be the physical safety of all members, staff, and visitors to the Capitol complex,” Nash continued.
HF372 was passed 92-38 on the House floor on Thursday, April 16, 2015.
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