Dear Neighbor,
This week I met with constituents with MN Citizens for the Arts; thank you for coming to the Capitol to meet with me and discuss the importance of art in our community!
Budget Surplus:
The Office of Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) released the February economic forecast Tuesday, revealing a larger budget surplus than forecasted last fall. For the 2018-2019 budget years, Minnesota is projected to have a $1.65 billion surplus, an increase of about $250 million. Additionally, a $2.124 billion surplus has been projected for the 2020-2021 biennium.
The increase in the surplus mostly comes from greater-than-expected revenue from individual income taxes, the general sales tax, and the corporate franchise tax. MMB budget documents state that an improved U.S. economic outlook and positive numbers for key economic data points such as personal income growth, employment, and consumer spending have contributed to the additional surplus revenue.
State government is experiencing a growing surplus and the taxpayers of Minnesota deserve the credit. I am confident that when the budget is being crafted for the next two years that tax relief for Minnesotans will be a priority.
On Wednesday, a bill I chief authored (House File 1318), that gives veterans preference in being hired in the state legislature and the state courts was heard in Veterans Affairs Division and then re-referred to State Government Finance Committee for its next hearing.
I want to ensure that Minnesota is a friendly state for veterans to not only live in, but to work in as well.
On Tuesday, I was appointed to serve on the Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council (MAELC) as a member of the Education Finance Committee. MAELC is dedicated to improving and restructuring agricultural education in Minnesota.
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If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding any issue related to state government, please feel free to contact me at either 651-296-4293, or