Dear Neighbor,
I hope you had a blessed Easter and a relaxing holiday weekend. Last week, I attended the Family Center Home Visiting program. Family Center Home Visiting is a free program through the Pine River-Backus, Northland, and Pillager Family Centers that provides services for young and/or growing families. They are a great asset to our community.
Conference Committee:
The House is back in session after the Easter break and conference committees have been named. Conference Committees are made up of 5 State Representatives and 5 Senators. The committee’s job is to come to a compromise on the differing aspects of the House and Senate budget bills. After the conference committee finalizes the bill, it is then sent to the House and the Senate for a vote of each body before heading to the Governor’s desk for his consideration. I am hopeful that the Governor and his staff will be active during this process.
Constituent Visits:
This week, I met with folks from Lakewood Health System to discuss health care issues: Teresa Fisher, COO; Tim Rice, CEO; and Loren Morey, Board Chair.
I also met with lifelong local Republican volunteers: Nick Schmitz, Galen Hieb, and Cecil Johnson; their efforts during campaign season are unmatched!
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If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding any issue related to state government, please feel free to contact me at either 651-296-4293, or