Dear Neighbors,
On Wednesday, Governor Walz announced that the state’s Stay at Home order will expire on Monday, May 18th. Beginning Monday, all retail stores, malls and other businesses that sell, rent, maintain and repair goods can open as long as they have adopted and implemented a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan including social distancing guidelines for workers and customers, and allow no more than 50% of the establishment’s occupant capacity at any time.
Unfortunately, restaurants, salons, fitness centers, and other public accommodation businesses will have to wait to reopen.
You can read the latest executive order here:
Governor Walz’s announcement is a step in the right direction as we look to safely reopen Minnesota’s economy and get people back to work. While I am encouraged that thousands of businesses and employees will be able to return to work on Monday, I am concerned for restaurants, salons, and other hospitality based industries that are being forced to wait until at least June 1st to open. If these businesses can openly safely, they should be allowed to do so as well.
If you are a business owner, I encourage you to visit DEED’s website for additional information as you prepare to reopen:
I was disappointed to hear last week that the Walz administration had unilaterally cancelled all high school graduation. This is just the latest example that the peacetime emergency needs to end so that the Governor works with the legislature as we respond to COVID-19.
School districts around the state had been preparing for weeks to hold ceremonies that observe social distancing guidelines.
I heard from many of you about this, so I signed onto a letter to the Department of Education asking that they rescind these guidelines. You can read that letter here.
Please contact me if you have any legislative questions, concerns, or ideas. I can be reached by phone at 651-296-5356 or via email at
Have a good weekend,