Dear Neighbors,
The legislature returned to St. Paul on Monday for the start of another special session. Governor Walz called the special session because state law requires him to if he wants to extend his peacetime emergency powers an additional 30 days. In addition to the peacetime emergency extension, negotiations are ongoing between the House and Senate on a handful of other issues like bonding, tax cuts, police reform, and supplemental budget spending.
As I have done numerous times, I voted to end the peacetime emergency and return to regular legislative order. The House Democrat majority, like before, failed to put up the votes needed to end the peacetime emergency, so the Governor will get another 30 days.
I will continue to advocate for a swift and reasonable end to the peacetime emergency while ensuring that the state is well positioned to manage COVID-19. It’s way past time for Governor Walz to let his special powers expire and for all of us to work together as we get our economy going again while protecting the most vulnerable.
Finally, because of a 60-day post-session rule, I am unable to send out any additional email newsletters until November.
Although I won’t be sending out newsletters for the foreseeable future, you can still call or email my office if you need anything. You can reach me via email at or on the phone at 651-296-4293.
Have a great summer,