St. Paul, MN – Minnesota’s 2021 Legislative Session officially began January 5th with Rep. John Poston (R-Lake Shore) and 133 other state representatives being sworn into office during a ceremony at the State Capitol.
“As the 2021 legislative session begins, I remain committed to working hard to end Governor Walz’s peacetime emergency powers and restore the legislature as a constitutional co-equal branch of government,” said Rep. John Poston. “Additionally, I plan to hold the line on increased government spending and will continue to fight for taxpayers and protect the pocketbooks of hardworking Minnesotans.”
Most of Rep. Poston’s work during the first months of session will take place in House committees. For the 2021-2022 legislative biennium, Poston has been appointed to serve on the following committees:
Subcommittee on Minnesota Water Policy
Poston encourages area residents to contact him if they have any legislative questions, concerns, or ideas. He can be reached by phone at 651-296-4293. He can also be contacted via email at, or via U.S. Mail at 317 State Office Building, St. Paul, MN 55155.