SAINT PAUL, Minn. – Representative John Huot (DFL-Rosemount) and the Minnesota Department of Transportation announced $2.4 million in state funding to improve the existing Highway 52/County Road 42 interchange in Rosemount this week. This includes adding new traffic signals and improving turn lane capacity from Highway 52 onto County Road 42. The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) estimates that businesses along the corridor may add 1,340 new jobs by 2028.
“Rosemount and our neighboring communities thrive when we make meaningful investments in transportation infrastructure,” said Rep. Huot. “The project will improve safety in an area seeing increased truck traffic serving local companies. Getting goods to market helps drive our local economy, grow jobs, and most importantly, improve critical safety at the Highway 52/County Road interchange.”
The funding for this project comes from the state’s competitive Transportation Economic Development (TED) program. The program targets transportation infrastructure projects that create economic development opportunities and jobs through a collaboration between MnDOT, the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), and local government and private sector partners.